Tips for Getting a Medical Sales Job


The term “medical sales” covers many areas: medical device sales, laboratory sales, clinical diagnostic sales, biotech sales, imaging sales, pathology sales, pharmaceutical sales, and many other niche areas of health care sales. Although there are big style differences (capital vs. consumable sales, for example), there are a few basic things you need to know if you’re going to land a job in one of these areas. They all have to do with the candidate’s background, experience, and preparation.


Ideally, you need a science degree. There are people who will tell you that you don’t need a science degree to be successful in medical sales, but that’s only partially true. In some cases, candidates with very strong sales records have gotten by, but they almost always have science classes under their belt (beyond the minimum they needed to graduate). You have to know what you are talking about in order to sell with credibility and confidence, so if you want to be successful selling medicine, science and technology, you have to know about medicine, science and technology. Medical sales training programs can be helpful (in the way that all training is valuable), but they won’t help a bad candidate.


* You need sales experience and sales skills to get a job in medical sales. However, you do not necessarily have to have medical sales experience. What you need to be able to do is demonstrate how the sales process you’re good at will translate to your desired area of ​​health care sales.

* Complete a field preceptorship (job shadowing). It shows that you are willing to do something that you will not be paid to get this job. Demonstrate your initiative, determination and strategic thinking. If you’re low on experience, help fill in some of the weak areas. It’s great for your resume, because it provides you with useful keywords that will make your resume stand out.

* Read sales books and get sales training. This will help you in the interview, and if you can communicate that you’ve done these things, it will highlight your commitment to getting into medical sales.

* Find medical sales reps or managers who will give you an informational interview. It’s a fine line to walk, because you don’t want to take advantage and turn it into asking for a job, but a good informational interview will give you great insight into the field.

Present yourself as a high-quality candidate

* Use your network. Work the network you already have, and establish a profile on LinkedIn. Join groups that are relevant to the areas of medical sales you’re interested in and get involved. Follow influential recruiters on Twitter.

* Pay attention to your resume. Go beyond the basics of having an attractive and easy-to-read professional resume. You need to have the right keywords on your resume (which will be picked up by medical sales recruiters’ applicant tracking systems), as well as a strong summary objective. Highlight your technical title, if you have it.

* Improve your interview skills. Polish your interview skills. Be prepared for behavioral interview questions by having stories ready that highlight your skills. Do your homework before the interview so you have your own questions to ask, dress appropriately and watch your body language, and use your sales skills to close the job interview.

* Write a 30/60/90 day plan. Prepare a 30/60/90 day plan to show your interviewer that you know what it takes to be successful in this job. A 30/60/90 day plan requires you to analyze the job and the company and set goals for success. It is an outline of what you will do when you start the job. This kind of effort before you even get the job impresses hiring managers. It becomes less risky to hire, because they can see that you’ll be able to start working as an asset to the company.

* Consider hiring a medical sales recruiter for personalized consultations. It’s the fastest way available for you to find out what you need to do to land a medical sales job. This type of career guidance will also show you how to highlight your best assets and how to deal with potential drawbacks (or even turn them into an asset).

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