The story of Joshua and Caleb


The story of Joshua and Caleb is one of the most powerful and dramatic stories in the entire Bible. There are important lessons in this story for all Christians to grasp!

Most Christians have heard of the story of Moses, but many Christians are unaware of the story that involves these two. They are an extension of the story of Moses. They are the climax of the story of Moses, as I will show you below. I will first give you a brief synopsis of her story and then I will give you what you need to learn from her story and how it personally applies to the situation you are facing now.

Short synopsis of Joshua and Caleb

God sends Moses to the land of Egypt to rescue and bring his people out of bondage to the Egyptians. He divides the Red Sea so they have a way to escape the Egyptians. Throw 10 huge plates at Pharaoh to free his people from slavery. God the Father performs one of the most powerful supernatural displays of signs and wonders the world has ever seen to bring His people out of Egypt.

Moses tells God’s people that He will give them what He calls the “Promised Land.” It is a land that flows with milk and honey. He will establish His people on this land and this is where He will divide the Israelites into 12 different tribes.

However, there is a little catch in this story. Before they are allowed to enter this Promised Land, they must first pass a test. God allows them to remain in the “desert” for 40 years. It gives them all the basics in terms of food and water to survive in the desert for 40 years.

God purposely tested his people to see if they would “Hold on tight“to Him while He was in the desert for the 40 years. And over and over, they continued to screw up. At one point, God got so mad at their rebellious attitude that He literally wanted to kill them. But Moses stepped into the gap to his people, defended his case before God of why he should not kill his people, and the Bible says that God gave in and changed his mind, just because Moses stood in the gap and effectively defended his case before God.

However, just after just over 2 years on this 40-year journey is where he was finally ruined for the last time with God the Father. The Israelites sent some spies to the Promised Land to see who the enemy was and to develop battle strategies to defeat them. God was going to allow them to enter the Promised Land, but first they had to defeat and drive out the enemies to conquer and possess the land.

When the spies came back, they came back with a “bad report.” They said that the enemies were “giants” and that their kingdoms were too well fortified that they would not be able to defeat them. Now mind you, God had just brought them out of Egypt with one of the greatest displays of His supernatural power the world has ever seen with Him throwing 10 huge plates at the Egyptians and then parting the Red Sea to give them a safe step into the wild.

When God saw your negative attitudes and your lack of faith and belief in His power, He literally raised His hands and basically said that’s it, that’s it. At that time, He told them that all men aged 20 and over would not enter the Promised Land due to their lack of faith and belief in Him. He said that they would all wander in the wilderness for the next 40 years until literally all of them died in the desert. God says that their corpses would fall in this desert and that their children would be shepherds who would bear the brunt of their infidelity towards God. The spies who entered to spy on the land did so for 40 days. As a result of this bad report, God pronounces the judgment that they must wander in the desert for 40 years to coincide with the 40 days for which they had spied the land.

Now, this is where Joshua and Caleb come in. So God tells Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 would be the ones who would enter the Promised Land because they had done so. “with enthusiasm followed god. “They had full faith and belief in God that He could defeat all of His enemies once they went to the Promised Land to conquer and possess it.

Joshua was the leader who guided them. Moses himself was not allowed to enter and died and was buried in the desert. Joshua then took Moses’ position as the leader of the Israelites. He then goes to the Promised Land with his strong faith in God and then proceeds to literally wipe his enemies off the face of the earth and conquer and possess the land that God had promised his ancestors.

Lessons to learn from Joshua and Caleb

1. I believe that the “Promised Land” for today’s Christian refers to God’s call to that person’s life. For the Christian who will give his entire life completely to God the Father, I believe that God will make a specific call or calls in that person’s life. However, many years may pass before God releases that person in what is their true calling to God. Sometimes it takes years of preparation to get ready for that call.

But once that call comes in and you are preparing to cross into your “Promised Land,” many Christians resist at the last minute and abandon your call. They start to focus too much on all the negative possibilities that they will encounter if they answer the call. Fear settles in and they “get out of the boat.”

This is why the above story is so powerful. The Israelites lost their only chance to go to this Promised Land due to one main reason: fear and a lack of true faith and belief in the power of God also helps them get ahead. They were too scared of the “giants” they saw on earth that they were supposed to possess and did not have enough faith in God to conquer and defeat these giants. As a result, they lost the greatest blessing of their entire life.

After Joshua was fully successful in his mission, shortly before he died, he makes the comment that God had do not he failed him in any of the promises he made to her that he would give him every ounce of land he would ever walk on. He told Joshua that his enemies would be eliminated and that he would be given total victory as long as he kept to God’s instructions. Joshua saw his call completely finished and when he died, he died as a man with his calling and mission from God completely fulfilled.

His story is how God wants all his people to live! The 2 keys to Joshua’s success were his strong faith in God and the fact that he had always “followed God with all his heart.” I always tell everyone to stay with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit “will guide us into all truth and teach us all things.” He is our guide and our teacher. If God places a call on your life, but you don’t follow His specific instructions and guidelines on how to get there, you will never be successful.

Joshua’s story is one of the most dramatic stories in the Bible about someone who “did well god. “His story is a perfect example for all Christians on how to follow God correctly and the calling He can put on your life.
2. Susie, this story really applies to where you are now with God. It is possible that you are preparing to open the door to enter your Promised Land, in the true call of God in your life. However, you are well aware of the “giants” and “strengths” that you will face if this door is opened for you.
Susie, remember the earlier story about Joshua. He saw the same “giants” and “fortresses” that you are seeing. He saw all of this before entering. God allowed him to see exactly what he was getting into before doing so. And God is showing you the same.

You have two options. You can let fear and panic settle like the Israelites did and miss the opportunity to enter your “Promised Land”, or you can have the same faith and belief in God that Joshua had, and enter with a “kicking attitude. rear “that you will be victorious and that you will achieve everything that God wants you to achieve.

I leave you with one last thought. Joshua took his strong faith and belief in God, entered the Promised Land and achieved

total victory in God. The Bible says that God is “no respecter of persons.” What it will do for one, it will do for another.

If God is calling you through this door, rest assured that you will have all of God’s power working through you to achieve total victory, just as Joshua did!

As a final testimony to this man’s story, God saw fit to name one of the books of the Bible after him: “The Book of Joshua.” I think it was a very fitting end to what this man accomplished “in God” while here on earth. The Bible says that Joshua lived to be 110 years old.

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