Paths to wealth with Feng Shui


When I started this column, one of the first issues I tackled was the misconception most people have about Feng Shui and Wealth. If there are two things in this world that can make people try anything, it’s money and love. Unfortunately, feng shui has been used as a means of selling people all sorts of items, in order to help them acquire more of one and find the other.

So this week, I want to talk about what ‘wealth’ means in classical Feng Shui, and what is the logic behind certain common practices that have been associated with ‘wealth enhancement’. By understanding these basic fundamentals and appreciating the philosophy of Feng Shui, I hope people will be able to understand how to respond when faced with a ‘Feng Shui’ claim of increased wealth, or offered a ‘Wealth’ magic formula. .

Think Vibrant Qi, Not Wealth

The word ‘Wealth’ has crept into the technical vocabulary of Feng Shui. Feng Shui practitioners use it as a shorthand to explain the result of using certain energies or sectors in a property. Instead of getting all technical, they got straight to the point. Somewhere along the way, the concept of ‘Wealth Sector’ appeared. As I have said in my previous article on this subject, Feng Shui does not actually speak in any of the classics directly about ‘Wealth’ or ‘Money’. So a magic Feng Shui formula for making money is something that should definitely have you asking questions instead of reaching into your wallet.

What are classics like Di Li Bian Zheng talking about then? They speak of ‘Prosperous Qi’ (or Wang Qi) and means to identify where Prosperous Qi resides. They talk about techniques and methods to collect Qi and avoid or transform negative Sha Qi.

Exploring the central principles of Feng Shui, Kuo Pu’s Book of Burial (one of the oldest Feng Shui classics) says that Qi accumulates at the limits of water and is dispersed by the wind. He doesn’t say, MONEY appears wherever there is an aquarium. He doesn’t say, put 8 goldfish in the aquarium and you will inherit a billion/million dollars. He doesn’t say anything about boats of gold, kittens waving their paws over cash registers, and building a fountain in his backyard.

Get Vibrant Qi

Feng Shui, like many Chinese metaphysical sciences, is one of those practices where complexity and simplicity are integrated with each other. You need to understand the basics to appreciate complex formulas. But at the same time, storming formulas and being able to recite them by heart, without understanding the fundamentals of Feng Shui, is also of no use. This is why formula books are not the answer to successfully applying Feng Shui, because without an understanding of the fundamentals, the formula is just a bunch of numbers. A cookie recipe doesn’t make much sense to a person who doesn’t know how to bake.

When it comes to using Feng Shui to enhance Wealth opportunities, we must first understand the type of Qi that can promote Wealth opportunities. In Feng Shui, we need to locate the ‘prosperous Qi’. To the average layman, this is usually called ‘Yang Qi’. However, Feng Shui practitioners refer to it by its more technical name, ‘Prosperous Qi’ or ‘Wang Qi’ (in Chinese) because Qi can be classified into 5 types of Qi, depending on its current status and professional level, it is important to know exactly what type of Qi and what stage of opportunity you are at.

I must dispel the notion that ‘prosperous Qi’ can be ‘created’ in some way. You cannot ‘create’ Prosperous Qi by making an area more ‘Yang’, for example by putting red lights or bright lights in a certain area. The Qi must have the quality of Prosperous in the first place, according to the period of time. Remember, in Feng Shui, it is about what is natural and prevails in the environment we are interested in, not the artificial or man-made. In either case, you cannot simply decide that you want your front door to be where the prosperous Qi is and try to force the issue. The location of the Prosperous Qi is not dictated by convenience, but by the Qi map, as derived from the calculations. The name of the game is working with what you have, without having to make unnecessary and expensive cosmetic changes to your home that make it obvious that you are trying to ‘Feng Shui’ the place!

The location of Prosperous Qi is determined through two methods: through calculations based on the address of the property, such as Eight Mansions or Xuan Kong Flying Stars, and through evaluation of natural environmental features. Typically, calculation-based methods are used for Interior Feng Shui and the method of observing environmental features, known as Shapes, is used for Exterior Feng Shui.

So, for example, we want to place the Prosperous Qi in a house that is oriented towards the South 2 direction. The Prosperous Qi of the house is located where the position of the Front Star #8 is. Of course, each house will have its own location of Prosperous Qi and the practitioner’s role is to locate this area of ​​Prosperous Qi.

Since the location of the Prosperous Qi is different, according to the Qi map of the property, derived from the calculations, it is a fallacy to think that there is a universal standard ‘Wealth Direction’ for everyone. There isn’t, it depends on your home address. Now, you may notice that not everyone living in the same row as you (with houses facing the same direction!) is equally wealthy and wealthy. In the context of Feng Shui, the external forms must still be taken into account. But there is also the context of Fate: a person who lives in a house with a personalized address for their Fate will definitely have an advantage over a person with a house that is less in tune with their BaZi.

Once the location of the Prosperous Qi has been identified, the Qi must be activated. Placing an activity room (such as the TV room or living room) in this sector is a way to stimulate Prosperous Qi in a place. Placing a front door at the location of Prosperous Qi is also a way to activate Prosperous Qi in a suitable area. Sometimes, in order to activate Qi, Feng Shui consultants recommend that clients place water in certain places. It is purely to activate the Qi. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Water itself or the fish in the water, but with the Yang quality of the Water. Water, even when it is still, is always moving because the molecules keep moving. The fish only help keep the water active and also provide an aesthetic appearance.

When you have the right type of Qi at hand, then you need to collect that Qi. There is no point in having the Wealth stars in the correct location on the Flying Stars chart, or locating the Prosperous Qi sector, if the Qi cannot accumulate. This is where the relief of the environment and the internal forms of the property make the difference. An extremely important aspect of Qi collection is having a good Brilliant Hall or Ming Tang as it is known in Chinese.

A Bright Hall is not a corridor with many lights. You’re also not around because your porch is well lit or you have a 100-bulb chandelier in your house. If this is what a Bright Hall is, every store that sells lights would be coining it! Instead, a Bright Hall is a wide, airy, open area that allows Qi to settle and collect. Ideally, a property should have three Bright Halls, in conjunction with the principle of Three Divide, Three Harmony (the San Fen San He formation).

Have it, do it and keep it

Earning more money and having more opportunities for wealth is not just a case of fixing your Feng Shui. Your personal destiny code also enters into the equation. Feng Shui cannot fix or give you what you don’t have (in your Destiny) in the first place. Therefore, you may need to realign or moderate your goals, adjust your perspective, change your attitude, and see how Feng Shui can help you, within the path that Destiny has laid out for you. Sometimes that means having realistic expectations. Sometimes that means being prepared for difficulties or being willing to take on certain challenges. Sometimes that means adjusting the timing of your plans.

I might add, being rich does not mean that you have great wealth. It means that you have the ability to earn money and keep it long enough to enjoy it. And even when people have the capacity and destiny for great wealth, that does not guarantee that they will actually become rich or fulfill their destiny.

Yes, you read it right. Some people don’t really fulfill their Destiny!

A Destiny chart may show a tremendous capacity for wealth or the opportunity for wealth, but it will not come true if the person is not willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their Destiny. BaZi tells you that you can be rich, but he doesn’t always say that it will be easy. There are no shortcuts in life!

Why does Bill Gates keep going to work every day? Has being the richest man in Asia prevented Li Ka Shing from continuing to pursue business opportunities? Fate is only part of the equation. Being willing to take the risk, make the sacrifice, face the challenges, that’s the other component. Some people have a Destiny that demands hardship, great personal sacrifice, even going through bankruptcy, divorce, bad relationships, bitter family ties, before they can emerge to see the pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow.

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