Home Selling 101: How to Prepare Your Home for the Home Inspection


It’s okay, he prepared his house to sell it. You cut the grass. You pulled out new pine needles and even replaced those three dead bushes. You took down the trampoline in the backyard that you couldn’t live without three summers ago. You moved the clutter (all in the garage and attic) to make your house seem bigger. You painted over that purple accent wall a neutral color. You even removed your velvet “Dogs Playing Poker” painting. You lived in your house as if it were a museum for three months. Realtors have been in and out of your house more often than my family at a buffet bar.

Well, you received an offer and you accepted it. The buyer’s real estate agent tells him that he wants him to swim in a tank with live sharks… I mean, let the home inspector come inspect his house. You feel anxiety approaching… What to do… no, don’t take those pills they talk about on TV. Read the tips in this article.

My purpose in this article is to let you know about some common things home inspectors look for during an inspection and some things you can do to prepare for your colonoscopy… I mean home inspection. Here are my tips:

1. The home inspector is going to find something. No matter how much you prepare your house, he will find something. Don’t take it personally.

2. Clean your gutters.

3. Trim any trees or branches that touch the roof.

4. Caulk trim joints around windows and doors.

5. Make sure all your downspouts have diverters underneath.

6. Clean your oven…make sure all your burners are working.

7. Make sure your disposer and dishwasher are working properly.

8. Tighten your kitchen cabinets if they are loose.

9. Tighten round toilets if they are loose.

10. Make sure your heating and air conditioning are working properly.

11. Caulk around the tub and shower if necessary.

12. Change your filters for your HVAC system.

13. Make sure all your windows and doors open and close properly. Make the necessary adjustments.

14. Do you remember all the things you threw in the attic and garage to make your house more spacious? Please clean these. The inspector will have to go in there.

15. Make sure your garage door goes up and down correctly. Make sure auto reverse works properly.

16. Replace any bulbs that are burnt out.

17. For God’s sake, whatever you do, don’t put that velvety “Dogs Playing Poker” painting on the wall again.

Get off the ledge!!! Do not jump!!! You’ll be fine. You will survive the home inspection process. Remember that the home inspector will still find some things no matter how much you prepare. It is not personal. If you have any questions or concerns about the home inspection process… or if you want to buy a used trampoline… cheap. Contact me – Preston Sandlin http://www.homeinspectioncarolina.com.

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