Get this quick guide to finding the right envelope, even if you have no idea


Envelopes come in many different sizes. But you knew that, right? But what you may not know is that paper qualities also vary. It may not be as obvious and you may not be able to tell the difference. So why pay more than you have to for the envelope you need?

If you have a small project and need less than a box of envelopes, your best bet is to go to your local print shop and ask if they have any leftovers in stock that you could buy.

Or, you can go to any office supply store and find small packages for 250 or less. Chances are the convenience of having a small pack of envelopes will cost you more than picking up a few extras at the print shop. So, there’s your micro tip for the day.

Consumer Nugget #1

Most printing professionals do not market/advertise blank envelope sales. That’s because they are in the printing business. As such, printers purchase many different types, sizes, and quality envelopes. Trust me when I tell you that every print shop has some inventory that may never be used again. If you are not too picky, you may be lucky.

Printers are not perfect and production losses are expected, so printers almost always buy more envelopes than the customer has ordered. So unused extras can be on the shelf in the exact amount you need for your personal project.

Consumer Nugget #2

There are a couple of miscellaneous things you should know. For example, if you are looking for an envelope that is 6″x9″ or larger, you can purchase catalog or brochure envelopes. Generally, the only difference is that a catalog envelope opens at the end and a brochure envelope opens at the side. So when you go shopping, be sure to watch how the envelope is opened.

Consumer Nugget #3

Next, let’s say you want to buy an envelope to match your stationery, but you don’t know what color or texture it will match. Buying things online might surprise you if you know exactly who made the paper. Paper colors certainly vary by manufacturer, even if they call it by the same name, eg natural white. My advice, if you find yourself in that situation, is to contact your local print shop.

Well, they have thousands and I mean thousands of paper samples available from hundreds of paper styles for you to check out. You are likely to find exactly what you are looking for.

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