Women’s Issues – Managing Vaginal Odor


Our private parts are not something we talk about much. Especially on social networks. However, vaginal odor can be something that can occur for any number of reasons, and when it does, it can be very embarrassing. The fact that it’s a bit of a taboo topic makes it hard to find advice when you need it. It’s often easier to turn to the internet and be misinformed about what’s really going on ‘down there’, so let’s start by saying that if you can smell or suspect something is wrong, you should seek help from a doctor and more specifically a gynecologist. Medical professionals are trained in these areas and will not judge or condemn you for something they know many people experience.

Let’s start by saying that there is supposed to be a certain smell to being a woman. It becomes a problem when the odor increases more than normal or there is a big change in the way she smells. The menstrual cycle can be something that changes the type of odor, just like perspiration and a change in diet. It could be that you have a fungal infection or an overgrowth of bacteria. These problems are more common than you think.

One in three women experience this type of problem so it is quite common. Bacteria overgrowth occurs when the PH level in the vagina is not correct and then promotes bacterial growth. The smell is not the only symptom that you can experience when things are not as they should be. It may be accompanied by itching, burning, increased discharge, or other irritation.

If the doctor says that everything is clean, but you still feel a strong odor during your menstrual cycle or after intercourse, there are some natural ways to get rid of the odor. First watch what you are eating. Sugar is not good for us and can also cause vaginal odor as it can feed bacteria and increase symptoms. You should increase your intake of probiotics, which will help increase the good bacteria, and take an antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria. Probiotics can also help maintain PH levels.

Another way to help stop the odor is to take an apple cider vinegar bath. Add about two cups to the bath and soak in it for 30 minutes. Remember to shower afterwards to remove the vinegar from your skin. You can also drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water daily. Apple cider vinegar is antiseptic and antibacterial and restores the acidity of your vaginal flora.

Tea tree oil is another good product to help you as it has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Studies show that tea tree oil can kill trichomonas vaginalis cells that are sexually transmitted and are caused by a one-celled protozoan organism. Tea tree oil will also help with yeast infection. You should dilute the oil with coconut oil and apply it to an organic tampon as it is too strong for the sensitive vaginal lining. Alternatively, you can put 10 drops in a bath and soak for half an hour.

Either way, it’s important to stop the odor and make sure your organs are healthy. Yeast and vaginal infections not only make us uncomfortable but also affect our sex life and can infect your partner depending on what kind of problem you have. It is your responsibility to keep your partner safe from infection, and failure to do so can set up a cyclical problem where you keep infecting each other. Some contagious sexually transmitted diseases are also punishable by law if you infect another person under some circumstances. So take responsibility for your sexual health, your vaginal health and you will find that vaginal odor will no longer be a problem.

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