Who can choose the destination of the honeymoon (the bride or the groom)?


Like everything else about your wedding, your honeymoon destinations and the time you spend will be largely determined by budget. You may have budgeted for the honeymoon at the same time as the wedding, or you may be budgeting for it separately. Either way, there needs to be a budget, and ultimately your decisions will be determined by it.

With that being said, who gets to choose the honeymoon destination?

In my opinion, this is a joint decision. It is a special moment for both of them; time to relax after the frenzy of the wedding, time to spend some alone time and do a little bonding as a couple. The choice of where to go on your honeymoon and what to do while there is one that should provide the maximum amount of relaxation and pleasure for both of you.

One of you may be less interested in details than the other. If you’re okay with doing most or all of the honeymoon planning yourself, make sure your partner really means it when they say, “I don’t care, it’s up to you,” then take their word for it. and make the decision. yourself. There is no better time than the present to start learning to accept that everyone has their own interests.

And if you’re reading this and you think you’re the one who would say, “I don’t care, it’s up to you,” my advice is to try to get SOMETHING interested in the process. The two of you will make many decisions together over the years, and most of them will be far more important than where to go and what to do on your honeymoon. Crawl before you walk; in other words, start working together on the little things. Trust me, it will be much easier for you to work together when you have to make really tough decisions.

Even if one of you is less interested in where you go and what you do, try to keep in mind the things you found in common during your courtship and use that knowledge when it comes to your honeymoon. Will the two of them be happy lounging on the white sand while watching a tropical sunset? Or is one of you likely to get second degree burns on the first day and then spend the rest of the trip bathing in aloe vera?

Do you have to have a honeymoon?

No, not really. American customs have changed significantly in the last 20 years. Traditionally, the honeymoon was not just a continuation of the celebration of their marriage, but the last time they could, unsurprisingly, be alone before starting a family. People marry later in life, start families later in marriage, and most couples marry on two incomes. Like everything else related to a wedding, it’s just a tradition, not a rule.

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