Web analysis for your website


The process of analyzing, collecting and measuring the behavior and activity of each user on different websites is called web analytics. Although it looks like a complex setup, it is very useful for hobby retailers and web developers. Web analytics to help decode all the important details of the people who visited your website. In other works, it gives you all the information about what visitors do, why they visit or leave, who visits and when they visit. Web analytics tell you which product pages attract the most and the fewest visitors. It will also tell you about the part of your site that visitors find confusing. So for someone who is trying to sell a product through their website, this information becomes valuable.

Web analytics are best suited for those trying to promote themselves through search engines. The tools allow you to evaluate those keywords that can drive the most traffic to your website. It also allows evaluating the number of visits received from advertising campaigns. This allows you to better focus on those campaigns and keywords that drive the most traffic to your site. The benefits of setting up web analytics are many. Here are the main ones.

It can give you a breakdown of the number of new, unique, and repeat visitors, along with all the details about the number of pageviews for them.

It also captures each visitor’s IP address, which in turn tracks their geographic location.

It counts the total amount of time spent by visitors and the path traveled by them. This will give you a better idea of ​​how to navigate and design the site based on the needs of the visitor so that they stay on your site for a longer period of time.

It gives you details of the links that brought the visitor to your site. In case visitors have landed on your website without links, it indicates that it is word of mouth that is driving traffic to your site.

It helps you analyze keywords or terms commonly used by people. This will guide you to optimize for keywords that visitors search for in your content.

The transparency provided by web analytics about website traffic and its performance is ultimately beneficial. The feedback provided by the web analytics only encourages the website owner to try harder to make the site more worthwhile for its visitors.

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