Walk With God Daily


Why should you walk with God every day? Well, that’s quite an interesting question. It’s about a few different things. Number one, what God are we talking about? Number two, how do you walk with a God? This article is about walking daily with the Christian God, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. How do we walk with God daily? We simply read his Word in the Bible, pray, and most of all, listen to what he has to say. I’ll explain the listening part a bit later.

Now, if you are not a Christian, this article is not intended to convert you to Christianity, there are already articles out there to do so, as well as hopefully people you know. This article is to convince today’s Christians that their lives can be enriched by a daily walk with God.

Why you should walk with God daily:

When you choose to read, pray, and listen to God on a daily basis, you have the opportunity to really confront what you are feeling and what is troubling you. Every time I have opened my Bible to a random passage I have found that it applies in some way to my life. Praying, in my experience, ends up being a pouring out of everything you truly want, think, regret, everything you hide from yourself during the day. Moments like these are rare in the life of the average person, but you can have them daily simply by walking with God during a quiet time of your choosing.

How to walk with God daily:

I believe that everyone should have their own relationship with God, so I’ll give you my way of honoring him on a daily basis. I like to have a little bible study every morning while having breakfast, I live alone at the moment so I am usually alone. First I will have a few minutes of prayer where I thank God for the day and the food, ask him for whatever he wants or feels I need, then I just sit and listen. Many times while listening, thoughts come to mind about what I should focus on during the day or in my life in general. Then I’ll choose a topic I want to know more about or just open the Bible and start reading. When I come to a good stopping point, I will reflect on what I have read and then end in prayer. This is how I walk with God on a daily basis, I hope everyone currently doing this has a routine that they enjoy. Start small, say 10 minutes in the morning to devote solely to God, then expand as you grow in your faith. My routine is about 30 minutes in the morning and I have never had a better, more personal relationship with Jesus.

Listen during our walk with God:

I believe that listening is a form of prayer that the average Christian has long since forgotten. It’s all about I want this and help me with that. I challenge you to just sit in his presence and listen. I do this as much time as I can in the mornings during my daily walk with God and I have found that I learn all kinds of things that maybe from me and maybe from God. The people I have thought of during these quiet moments have almost always needed a word of encouragement or a prayer. Simply listening during your walk with God can make your relationship with Him so much more satisfying.

Here’s a little lesson on how to walk with God daily, both why and how to do it. I hope it helps someone out there to start walking with God.

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