Tips to Reduce Kitchen Drawer Clutter


Whether you have snack-obsessed kids, are constantly restocking your stash of granola bars, or have simply found yourself with drawers overflowing with boxes of food or utensils, you may be having a hard time keeping your drawers organized and, frankly, closable regardless. Regardless of how much drawer space you have, there are plenty of easy ways to declutter your kitchen storage spaces and get everything where it belongs. It’s true: even the smallest kitchens can be organized with the right amount of attention and consideration.

A great way to start is to take everything out of its rough packaging. Many times, getting the cardboard box that houses the fruit snack packets or granola bars to fit in the drawer is the biggest problem. Even if your box fits easily, it really isn’t necessary. By taking product packs out of the box, you’ll save space and prevent an empty pack from being put back in the drawer. As soon as you return from shopping, empty your products in the correct location and place the bulky cardboard. Instantly, you’ll find yourself with more valuable space.

In addition to moving away from packaging, another hurdle you may face is larger snacks or food taking up a lot of extra drawer space. For example, bags of potato chips can often be difficult to store and if they will fit in the storage space, there is usually not much room for anything else. Taking these items in large bags and placing them in a separate airtight container that can be placed on the floor next to your main storage unit is a great way to save space. You’ll also know exactly where to look for these items, making preparing lunches in the morning a much easier process.

If you’re having problems with utensils, the issue may simply be your storage choice. When it comes to things like straps or spatulas, they can easily get stuck and prevent the drawer from opening. Instead of struggling to fit them all in one drawer, check your local kitchen supply store or kitchen store for a countertop organizer designed to house those hard-to-store utensils. With various size slots for spoons, spatulas, and straps, you’ll never have to deal with a cluttered kitchen tool drawer again.

Keeping things in their designated drawers will keep your newly organized storage spaces from becoming cluttered again. For example, if you’ve designated a kitchen drawer for Tupperware lids, don’t start throwing plastic cutlery in there just because it won’t fit in the drawer where it belongs. Homeowners are often slow to put things in order, but are quick to fall back on old trends. By making sure that the drawers you choose for different categories of items can hold everything, you’ll avoid having to make mistakes like this. If you find that you’re constantly short on space in one category, consider swapping out the drawers for something that doesn’t require as much space.

True, your kitchen can often be one of the most disorganized spaces in the home, but with a little extra attention, you can really transform your space and make it feel fully functional once again. Trying to prepare a meal, pack a lunch, or even put away dishes can become a downright frustrating experience if you don’t have the right setup to work with. By making the necessary adjustments to your kitchen storage, you’ll cut your work almost in half.

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