Three Little Known Facts About Shabby Chic Style


Shabby chic is an interior design style that incorporates antique furniture and antique accessories to create an elegant and popular design. Items are chosen for their weathered appearance and are often heavily painted over the years, with many visible layers. The fabrics are usually cotton or linen, and they also show wear and tear. Neutral colors and often soft pastels like pink, blue, and green are the trademark of this unique style.


Although the shabby chic style has become very popular in the last 35 years, its roots actually began in the early 1900s when in Britain, many large and stately country houses and their contents faded and aged due to the financial difficulties of the home. owners. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that this popular style got its name. During this time, many people had the desire to express how much class and taste they had. By incorporating the ‘chic’ interior style into their homes, they were able to show off classic period furniture that had a history.

Fact: not as old as you think

Shabby chic furniture isn’t always old or antique. Many new parts are worn (made to look old) to give them an antique and vintage look. By applying white enamel and paint, and then scrubbing and sanding the top coats, especially around the edges, furniture can be transformed from something new and modern to something classy and shabby. In addition to transforming new furniture, many people buy used furniture at thrift stores and yard sales to create beautiful shabby chic furniture for their homes. Style is all about simple elegance and incorporating a variety of pieces to create a unique look.


One of the best things about decorating your home shabby chic is that it doesn’t have to be expensive. It’s so easy to mix and match several different pieces to create a fresh look for your home without spending a lot of money. Because it is so versatile, it works well in almost every room in your home, including the kitchen and bathroom. From antique cabinets to a dining table and chairs, the shabby chic decorating style adds elegance to your home that is both inexpensive and attractive.

The shabby chic style of interior decoration is here to stay for quite some time. Trends show that the style has risen in popularity over the past 35 years and continues to do so. Whether it’s a single piece of furniture, an entire room, or a whole house theme, the shabby interior design style with its deeply ingrained history is sure to make a statement in your home.

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