The power of the source


Sometimes it’s the little things that make the difference. Take the font you choose for your resume, for example.

You may be thinking – what is the problem? After all, it’s just a font and can be changed in a few seconds.

But think again.

What does your source say about you and how would you fit into the organization you are applying to?

Times New Roman: what does it convey to you? For me, it conveys a sense of conservatism, following the status quo, obeying rules and conventions. This font choice could be excellent if you are applying for a large, risk-averse, hierarchical-type organization, for example, certain government agencies or the military.

Comic Sans: what does it transmit to you? For me, it conveys a childlike quality, playfulness and playfulness. This font could be perfect if you’re looking to work with children or as an entertainment artist, for example.

Arial: What does it convey to you? To me, it conveys a modern, highly capable and professional feel, and could be ideal if you’re applying for a corporate position with a bank or a large consulting firm, for example.

These are just a few examples, and the list is potentially endless…

So what does your font choice say about you: your personality, your skill set, your career path?

Think about how the source should be different if you’re applying for a job at a new company versus an established company. Or an industry dominated by men versus one dominated by women? or a customer-facing role versus a non-customer-facing one?

And to expand on this even further, what does your font color and size say about you? Colorful or minimalist? Bold or discreet? Innovative or traditional?

There is absolutely no right or wrong about what font, size, or colors to use, just like there is absolutely no right or wrong about the skills you bring to the table. But what DOES matter is consciously choosing fonts and colors that align with the skills and experience highlighted on your resume.

Because the most powerful and effective resumes are those that have all the elements aligned with your strengths, skills, and unique selling points. This includes the structure, font, color scheme, length, references, as well as the experience it lists and the education/training it includes.

So always remember the power of the source!

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