Ten Steps to Make Your Aquarium Algae Free


Are you battling algae problems? In your aquarium or pond?

Algae can turn a pristine waterscape into a horrible eye pain in a matter of days. In ponds, algae can suffocate fish overnight or kill them when bloom breaks. Algal overgrowth can be due to a variety of reasons. It could be due to poor environmental conditions (too many fish in the tank, overfeeding, infrequent water changes, over fertilization) or incorrect lighting (too much / or the wrong spectrum). Each type of algae tells a different story about how they got established. The control methods will depend on the type of algae and can be as simple as changing the water more frequently, using a suitable type of lighting, altering the photoperiod, reducing the amount fed or introducing more aquatic plants to alter the pH, hardness of the water, use anti-algae chemicals and installation of a UV clarifier. The combinations are huge!

So how can you fix this problem? Following these basic steps will solve the problem.

1. Perform very regular partial water changes (30%) every 14 days.

2. Reduce the population density of your aquarium.

3. Don’t overcharge

4. As a general rule of thumb, a fish’s stomach is roughly the size of its eye, so it is as much as it should be fed.

5. Use white daylight bulbs:

Light that peaks in the blue and red spectrum is best for photosynthesis, but it does not differentiate between algae and plants. By using simple white light, you are making it harder for algae (and plants) to make their food.

6. Decrease the photoperiod:

* Having light available for a shorter period will make it difficult for the algae to feed and multiply.

7. If the tank receives sunlight, reposition the tank or shade it.

* Warning, it is dangerous to move a full tank.

8. Add some aquatic plants to your aquarium:

* Aquatic plants will compete with algae for nutrients and light;

9. Enter an algae-eating fish that is suitable for your setup:

* Examples include: bristle-nosed catfish, Chinese seaweed eater.

10. You may want to install a UV clarifier or continue with chemical or other biological treatments.

* Please note that chemicals should never be the only treatment. They should be used only after or in conjunction with management strategies as described.

So are we full of information on ways to combat algae problems? Then you better do it!

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