Take your pet on vacation or leave it at home?


Planning a vacation is wonderful, vacations are all about fun, but the preparation can be quite stressful if you don’t take the time to plan well in advance.

One of the most problematic issues when you leave home for more than a couple of days is: what should you do with your best friend, the pet? Many people have a pet, be it a cat, a dog, a hamster, a turtle, a fish, etc. without considering the responsibilities and the changes that such a decision implies. The pet is an animal bred for company and enjoyment as it is highly appreciated for its loyal and playful characteristics. But what should we do with it when we want to go on vacation? Should we take it with us or should we let someone else take care of it?

Traveling with an animal is always problematic. There are a couple of things to keep in mind to have a smooth and stress-free trip.

Don’t forget that pets may need to be up-to-date on vaccinations and receive worm and flea treatments. Also, if you decided to “pack up” your pet and take her on a road trip, make sure you always have certificates and evidence that she is healthy with you. Consider packing her things as if they were your own. Never forget your familiar household item, like bedding and toys. All of this will help you feel safe and secure.

Even if you’re going to be away for a longer or shorter period of time, it’s never a good idea to have a sudden change in food. Therefore, it is always better to bring food that your pet normally eats. This will also help provide a bit of familiarity for your best friend.

However, you should keep in mind that traveling with an animal can be quite difficult, for example, most airlines or train companies do not allow animals in the cabin and you must put them in the cargo section. Traveling by plane or train can be stressful for your dog or cat, especially if they are not used to these means of transport. But, if you find taking your animal with you a hassle, you might consider giving it to a kennel or daycare center like going to summer camp.

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