Stun Master 775,000 Volt Stun Gun – Power and Intimidation


Most people find it difficult to choose among the thousands of self defense products that are available today. The market is full of personal security products, so deciding which one is best for you can be a bit intimidating. Once you choose one, you must learn to use it and then practice it so that you become proficient in its use.

Many people, such as security guards, club bouncers, night watchmen, and truckers, prefer to have an intimidating self-defense product by their side. The 775,000V stun master stun device will give you all the intimidation you could want. It is one of the largest wonders on the market today measuring almost 9 inches tall.

Once you charge the Energizer batteries, this “stun monster” is ready to do its job. Obviously this stun tool is amazing for that size alone. But when you activate it, the sight of the flying sparks can be very scary, as can the sounds the flying sparks make.

The sight and sounds might be enough to scare off the bad guys. Otherwise, an application of 775,000 V for 3 to 5 seconds will cause the assailant’s body to overwork very quickly, depleting all the sugar in the blood. This makes him unable to chase you and more.

An added feature of this stun gun is a deactivation pin wrist strap. If an assailant takes the stun gun from you while you are wearing the wrist strap. Automatically disconnects the firing pin making the assailant unable to use the stun gun on you.

It should be noted that stun devices, like other non-lethal self defense products, are only intended to give you time to get away from a dangerous situation and seek help. They do not cause lasting damage and the impact of their application cannot pass through to you in any way. When are you going to have one?

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