Soluble fiber and your health


Most of us know that dietary fiber is essential for a good bowel movement in the morning. The property of fiber to add bulk to the stool can help prevent constipation and abdominal problems.

But did you know that fiber also has protective effects on the heart and your blood sugar levels? It is a little known fact among the public and, unfortunately, there are hardly any awareness programs in this regard.

There are mainly 2 different types of fiber in the diet: soluble and insoluble.

Most foods contain both, but they vary in proportions in different food groups. In a simple sense, insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, whereas soluble fiber absorbs water and turns into a kind of gel.

Let’s take a look at each of these.

1. Insoluble fiber

Insoluble fiber is found in the seeds and skins of fruits along with whole wheat bread and brown rice. It has a number of different health benefits, including weight loss due to its “filling” effect on the stomach. With this effect, it can suppress the hunger center in the brain and can prevent hunger pangs. By reducing hunger, you can help reduce body weight by reducing your total food intake over a period of time.

Insoluble fiber also has a protective effect on digestive health. Helps to bulk up stool and can help relieve constipation. By helping with normal bowel movements, you can reduce the risk of developing hemorrhoids and fecal incontinence.

2. Soluble fiber

This is the fiber that I will talk about a bit more here, as it is more important. Soluble fiber is present in foods like oatmeal, nuts, beans, and apples. It has a number of health and heart benefits. They also have an effect on the digestive system and diabetes.

For. Benefits for the heart

In a study that looked at 24-hour blood pressure records in high-fiber versus low-fiber patients, there was a significant reduction in average blood pressure readings in the high-fiber group. In other words, having a diet rich in soluble fiber can lower your blood pressure.

Clinical trials have shown that regular intake of soluble fiber can reduce bad cholesterol levels by 9%. Combining this with a low-fat diet, this reduction is very significant.

Other heart benefits of soluble fiber include weight reduction and a lower risk of stroke.

B. Benefits of diabetes

A healthy intake of soluble fiber can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes by 30%. It can also slow the progression from prediabetes to diabetes. Specific types of fiber appear to have a greater effect on blood sugar spikes and diabetes control.

The best sources of soluble fiber include beans, chickpeas, whole wheat flour, barley, bran, and prunes. Other vegetables are good sources. However, our body needs around 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day, which is difficult to achieve. In such a situation, the use of a supplement can provide essential soluble fiber that has been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

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