Restaurant technology: how beepers impress and attract customers


Who says having a beeper handy is so ’90s? Today, many restaurants make use of beepers for their customers. The paging system used in restaurants is the type that was used a decade ago, but despite that, pagers are still quite relevant among restaurateurs and other businesses where customers have to physically wait in line. This one-way technology is promoted as a very effective means of showing value to the customer.

Restaurant pagers are handy box-like devices handed out to all customers waiting to be seated. While waiting their turn, the host hands each group of customers a pager device that they can carry within range of the mainframe. To avoid boredom, customers can do other things like check their phones or take a quick walk around. Once the pager beeps, alarms or vibrates, it tells customers that their table is ready and they can return.

This one-way communication device may seem simple, but in the world of fine dining establishments handling large volumes of customers on a daily basis, there really is no need for overly sophisticated high-tech devices. Since customers only need to be informed about their table availability, the logic in restaurant locators remains simple. The simpler the message, the better and more effective it becomes.

Pagers are more than just devices; they convey the message that every customer is important and that the company cannot afford to lose even one. Every customer who longs to sit down and dine can get bored while waiting, but these pager devices give both the restaurant owner and the customer some flexibility and the same security of all possible conveniences.

In addition to the menu, the atmosphere and the excellent presentation, a good restaurant should also boast exceptional customer service. This should not be at the bottom of the list as without quality service, customers would not be attracted or encouraged to dine in the restaurant in the first place. These paging devices serve as one of the tools for better service (aside from polite waiters, efficient delivery, and so on). What is a fancy restaurant if the crew keeps their customers bored by waiting?

Restaurant pagers can also impress some customers with the feeling that they are receiving prompt and efficient service while savoring the sumptuous dishes and enjoying the atmosphere. Therefore, any dining establishment looking to maintain a high regard for customers should invest in an efficient paging system.

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