Puppy training tips: collar and leash training


Walking on a leash

Most of us need to walk our dogs on a leash, at least occasionally. And if walks are your dog’s main means of exercise, you will keep him on a leash every day.

For this reason, when training a puppy, it is important to train your dog to walk safely and calmly while on a leash. The goal is a loose leash, which means that during leash walks, your dog does not pull or strain. Here are some tips to help you.

Get used to a necklace

Before you can get started on basic puppy training tips, your puppy needs to get used to wearing a collar and wearing a leash. Dogs generally get used to this fairly quickly. First, buy a soft collar, for example one made of woven nylon or soft leather. Don’t buy a collar for the dog to grow up, buy one that fits him now.

Put it on for an hour at first and gradually increase the time. Putting on the collar just before taking the puppy out or, if your dog is sensitive to this, is helpful just before feeding it. Your puppy is so busy eating or playing that he will forget the collar.

How to Train a Puppy to Walk on a Leash

Once your dog has gotten used to your collar, you can fasten it on a leash. Don’t lift the leash just yet, but let your pup walk with it to get used to it. When he’s acclimatized, take the puppy outside and encourage him to walk with you. Don’t pull on the leash, but cajole your dog with kind words or a tasty treat. Some puppies react very strongly when they notice that their freedom is being restricted and they keep trying to break free. Praise the dog generously when he does not resist.

Reward the correct position

The main thing you need to do to train a loose leash is to reward your dog for staying in a position close enough to you that the leash is not tight. Treats are a great tool for this – as long as your dog is walking well (the leash is loose), say “Yes” and give your dog a treat.

If your dog puts pressure on the leash, stop and wait for him to look at you and come closer to you again. When he does, say “Yes” and give him a treat.

You can also use the yes / treat combination when your puppy looks at you during the walk. Doing so is a good way to reinforce your “control” to see where you are.

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