Pros and Cons of Going Back to College at 40


Congratulations! Going back to school is difficult in general. Combine this with the everyday lives of students who have kids and jobs and you have total chaos on your hands. The pros outweigh the cons when you’re in your 40s and going back to school. I want to list the pros first because I think they are motivating to be motivating factors when contemplating going back to school at 40.

Pros of going back to school at 40

1. Finishing your degree can help you professionally.

2. Even though you’re 40 years old and will be considered obsolete by your future younger classmates, you’re bringing something to the academic arena that they can’t. WORK EXPERIENCE! Your experiences will be of great help, especially if you want to specialize in Business.

3. At 40 you are wise. You will discover that it contains patience and a greater desire to learn. You will find that you will be more enthusiastic about completing the task and ask the instructors for help if needed.

4. If you have a family and a career, you already have the time management skills, which will help you tremendously while you attend college.

5. You will find that the drive to please your family while improving your family’s life can be a motivating factor. When others give up, you will know that failure is not an option.

6. You will not have the difficulty of obtaining a social life through the university. You already have family and friends. You will be able to fully concentrate on the academic tasks before you.

7. You will be able to relate to your instructors because you will most likely be the same age or older.

8. Your confidence will soar to the tops of the mountains and why wouldn’t it? As he graduates with his college degree, he will have the pleasure of knowing that he achieved this tremendous accomplishment while raising his children and maintaining his personal life.

9. You will show everyone around you that you are an entrepreneur.

10. You will be a fantastic role model for your children and family.

Cons of going back to school at 40:

1. You will feel alienated at first because we are facing the facts here; you are older than most of the people in your classes, especially if you attend day classes at your university.

2. You’ll have to juggle your college classes with your already busy life.

3. Your boss at your current job may not support your college schedule. If this happens, you may need to change jobs that will support you or leave the workforce altogether, at least until you finish school. This could very possibly create a financial hardship for your family.

4. You will find that your energy level is not what it used to be when you were younger. Younger students don’t have kids to take care of, a house to clean, a job to work, and they don’t have the daily chores that you do. I would recommend energy drinks as you increase your daily exercise; Of course, you will have to find time to work out in a gym or more walks during the day.

5. If you have children and are a single parent, you will need to make accommodations for your children while they are in school.

6. You may be required to complete an internship for your degree program before you graduate from college. This can be a nightmare, especially if you already work. Imagine having to work your regular job to help support your family plus an unpaid internship. More times than not if you’re already working a job, the college might waive the internship because let’s face it; You already have work experience at 40 years of age. Be sure to ask your academic advisor about this.

7. If you’re a parent, you’re going to miss things with your kids. Most students in their 40s are forced to go to school at night. This will eliminate momentous time with your children at night and at bedtime.

As you can see, the pros far outweigh the cons of going back to school in your 40s. The best advice I can give to anyone attempting this monumental feat is to never give up. It becomes quite desirable to give up when you are tired from your long day at work, dealing with your children and knowing that he has to sit in class for 3 hours at night.

You must focus on the future. What is a year or so of your life sacrificing yourself when you will benefit immensely from your sacrifice with a better financial future? Hang in there and keep reaching for your goals. You will find that at 40 years of age, you will appreciate the sacrifices and opportunities that come your way more than your younger classmates. Eventually you will be able to look back on this test as a great milestone not only in your own life but also in that of your family. Your family depends on you and you cannot let them down. Keep going and good luck!

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