Platonic-fulerene chemistry and the evolution of God


The 1937 Nobel laureate in medicine, Szent-Goergyi, considered scientists who did not understand that the energies of universal entropy were balanced by the evolution of consciousness to be primitive thinkers. He referred to them as mad apes in his book by that title. The molecular biologist, Sir CP Snow, during his 1959 Rede lecture at Cambridge University, echoed the same sentiments, arguing that unless the law of universal entropy is reunified with the classical Greek humanities, then civilization would be destroyed. Buckminster Fuller’s synergistic universe concept also argued that the law of entropy, known as the second law of thermodynamics, was balanced by a universal negentropic energy system. This knowledge was necessary to avoid oblivion.

These concepts were given credit for the discovery last century of Sir Isaac Newton’s unpublished Heresy Papers. Newton wrote of his conviction that the mechanical description of the universe had to be supplemented by a deeper natural philosophy based on the physical principles associated with the motion of particles. These physical principles were the basis for the science of life of classical Greek humanity that Sir CP Snow wanted to reunite with modern science. NASA’s High Energy Division library has published the argument that this ancient science of life, based on the mathematical theories of the Nous of the philosopher Anaxagoras, was supported by fractal logic.

Tea Science for ethical purposes it was built by the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy by merging ethics into the We. In the fifth century, Saint Augustine recorded that such mathematics was the work of the devil. This explains why the balanced physics of Sir Isaac Newton’s worldview was declared heresy, written by a criminally insane mind. Albert Einstein and the founders of 20th century Western science accepted that the second law of thermodynamics governed all sciences, validating the religious view of the Church. Einstein’s colleague, Sir Arthur Eddington, referred to the second law as the ssupreme metaphysical law of the entire universe. In effect, Western scientists were required to worship the Greek god of chaos in order to receive a Ph.D., according to the academic culture of the 20th century. Max Planck astrophysicist Peter Kafka pointed this out during the 1990s when he predicted the current global economic collapse. He wrote that the second law of thermodynamics was driving scientists, technologists, and politicians to hasten a global economic crisis.

Peter Kafka predicted that as the global situation of entropic chaos becomes unbearable, people would need to realize that the solution is associated with an aspect of fractal logic. At present, infinite fractal logic cannot be associated with the evolutionary process because the universal law of heat death forbids it. Bertrand Russell made this clear in his famous 1904 essay entitled A The worship of the free man, when he wrote that humanity must exist in a state of anguish and despair because of the dictates of that law. The idea of ​​the Christian Church’s insistence that society must be punished in such a way, unable to appeal to infinite fractal logic to escape, is what Kafka referred to as a diabolical obsession with the ancient gods of entropy. This religious conditioning must now be challenged as strongly as possible, to prevent a religious entropic Armageddon from occurring.

The Greek Epicurean atomist of the 3rd century BC Science of Universal Love it belonged to the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, which merged ethics with the Nous of Anaxagoras, and can therefore be considered a fractal logical philosophy. Cicero claimed that it was taught throughout Italy during the 1st century BC. C. and represented a threat to Roman rule. St. Augustine later declared its mathematical basis a punishable heresy. From 1932 to 2011, Cambridge University Press has published advanced study material of the global core curriculum prescribed to the effect that Plato is one of the greatest fathers of the Church, which is illogical, as his fractal mathematical logic follows being a serious heresy. Although it is very unwise to consider the need to make any mention of God within a scientific philosophy essay, nevertheless, the church needs to face some factual information that it may find distasteful.

Cicero mentioned that the teachers of the Science of Universal Love they were called Saviors. Evil was defined by the Platonic philosophers as belonging to the destructive properties of formless matter within the physical atom. It can be reasoned that the original teachings of the Church were to prevent some futuristic surge of radioactive fallout from destroying civilization. An article in the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, October 30, 2011, which discusses the We (the intellect of philosophy) suggests that this may well be so. This article provides a fairly clear definition of We, by the well-known Savior teacher of the Church, according to the Gospel of Mary, page 10. This would explain why the Jefferson Bible, which is in the Smithsonian Institution, was written. President Thomas Jefferson wrote that Jesus Christ had surpassed the Epicurean University’s teaching of the Savior on the Science of Universal love.

With the advent of fullerene-platonic chemistry in the 21st century, a self-organizing information system to balance universal entropic decay now belongs to the discipline of quantum biology. The fractal description of the Nous by Anaxagoras and the merging of ethics into the evolutionary process are in contradiction to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which is known to be underpinned by an unbalanced understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. Therefore, it became important to carefully reexamine the fractal functioning of Anaxagoras’ Nous, considering that the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy had modified a fundamental aspect of it by merging ethics into its spiritual or holographic functioning. An important hypothesis on this topic was provided at the Australian Arts and Sciences Research Center in October 2011 by artist-philosopher Chris Degenhardt.

Degenhardt proposed his Fractal God Thesis, linking it to the work of Szent-Gyorgyi’s Nobel laureate in medicine. The Platonic tradition embraced a medical philosophy because it defined the concept of good as being for the health of the universe, which, being relevant to the Nous of Anaxagoras, obviously becomes a discipline of mental health. Degenhardt realized that the original We, as an aspect of symmetrical fractal logic, cannot extend evolution to infinity. On the contrary, by merging ethics with We, the evolutionary process modified it to become an asymmetrical function, transcending that fractal limitation.

During the fifteenth century, the mathematics of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa explained that the universe was infinite, which means that it must include an asymmetrical fractal logic. This means that unless God is allowed to evolve, which is prohibited by the current entropic worldview, it is impossible for God to exist at all. This explains the religious intuition about the We mentioned in the Gospel of Mary. The Church’s understanding of Nous is irrational, because on the one hand, it regards Plato as one of its founding fathers, while on the other hand, Plato’s infinite fractal logic is still considered the work of the Devil. This confused concept of reality is in complete contradiction to the words of their main Savior, relevant to the optics associated with spiritual vision.

Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa’s mathematics was developed by Immanuel Kant and Hans Christian Oersted during their development of ethical technological thought. They related this to the universal electromagnetic reality that they explored during the 18th century. The Kantian view of the spiritual reality of God is now being seen through nanotechnology. Kantian gods Ethics for perpetual peace on earth, should now be the most urgent goal of the Church Search. Ethics has been clearly shown to be associated with the electromagnetic functioning of the centriole, within the newly fertilized ovum. This is relevant to understanding the fullerene-platonic chemistry of the fractal evolutionary expressions of Dr. Candace Pert’s Molecule of Emotion, discovered in 1972.

The spiritual optics of the Savior of the Church, as well as those of Plato, Philo, Aristotle, al Haitham, Kant and Oersted, were advanced to the realm of nanotechnology, when Emmanuel Levinas realized that spiritual images could not be processed in consciousness through the lens of optics. vision. The “eye of god” images of him are transferred into evolving consciousness from within a holographic reality. This occurs through the nanoscale workings of the ovule’s membrane liquid crystal optics. This creates pattern recognition. intuition within the brain process. It is of paramount importance, now, to develop technology from the Science for ethical purposes, before the Armageddon of the Church, associated with the world economic collapse. This would occur as a logical result of irresponsible entropic nanotechnology, derived solely from a diabolical obsession with the second law of thermodynamics.

© Professor Robert Pope.

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