No I was wrong – Pathetic Liar


Most of us struggle with our own self-esteem and confidence. Some people reach out and educate themselves. But the first thing we all have to do is be honest with ourselves. Our subconscious self does not always allow us to do this. Stop this cycle.

Few of us ever learn that we can believe and see things in a more positive way and then develop ourselves; which allows the belief in ourselves to manifest through actions. Influences are all around us. However, we need to take the time to put ourselves in a realistic perspective. Slowly, we daily refine our actions.

You have to believe in your goals. Knowing that we can survive when we find ourselves; we break our own paradigms. We have to keep developing ourselves to become who we are or want to be. My mentor told me something like this: It takes five years for a bamboo tree to sprout, and then after it sprouts in six weeks, it grows to its full potential. So don’t stop growing or give up because your goals are your reality. A new cycle begins.

Any day you choose you can start. Just do that day today.

Be honest with who you are, ask others what they think your good traits are. Focus on them and develop them.

Sleep. Who are you? Where do you want stay? Write these things down on paper. Make it detailed. I wake up in the morning and make coffee, shower, and then drink my first cup while watching the hummingbirds through my sliding glass window. I take time to blog and talk to my kids on the phone at least once a day.

I enjoy watching my grandchildren grow up and I want to earn enough money to pamper them when they come and stay for Christmas or the summer.

Act. I listen to my mentors even if it’s only on the computer. Sometimes I hear the same things over and over again. I motivate myself to do things for others and every day I act. Even if it is just an action, it is an action that is completed.

Three simple steps: Be honest with yourself, Dream and Act. You will eventually find that these things become a habit and you will do them automatically. Your dreams will become your reality and your reality will be the life of your dreams.

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