Mistakes we make when reducing fat


Obesity has become such a global epidemic that every two people have a mindset that they have an increasing need to lose weight in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle with longevity. Sometimes trying to lose weight can get quite overwhelming and we can feel like everything we are doing is right, but all our efforts seem to be in vain.

What really happens is that people often hinder their own progress by following impractical and outdated advice. Here are some common mistakes/misconceptions about fat loss:-

Eating too little or eating too many calories.

We have the notion that skipping meals will help us burn calories and at the same time avoid their intake. However, skipping meals only increases our appetite, so we tend to binge or overeat and end up eating a lot more calories. as usual.

Not exercising or exercising too much

Some of us believe that we can reduce belly fat simply by eating a healthy diet or simply following a strict exercise regimen. Both opinions could not be more wrong. Both diet and exercise play a huge role in burning fat and we need to control both in order to reduce fat fast. If we exercise too much and don’t eat a proper diet, we lose precious muscle mass, and if we eat too much and exercise too little, it lowers our metabolism, which is not good for the body.

Choosing low-fat or “diet” foods

Who doesn’t love a satisfying shortcut in life, whether it’s in terms of career, health, or even love? However, it is very important to understand the fact that there are no shortcuts to a healthy body. Every movement we make is crucial when it comes to sculpting a perfectly chiseled body. We need to maintain a balanced diet with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Not getting enough protein

Protein is the “muscle building” ingredient in our food. The more we exercise, the more muscle we use, further increasing the protein deficit in our body. Protein can be easily found in foods like legumes, meats, dairy, and soy.

Not doing weight training exercises/focusing too much on cardio

Studies show that weight training exercises, such as lifting weights, are one of the most effective exercise strategies for gaining muscle and increasing metabolic rate. It also leads to better overall body composition and also increases belly fat loss. In fact, the best weight loss strategy seems to be a combination of aerobic exercise and weight lifting.

not getting enough sleep

Sleep is just as important to weight loss as exercise, if not more. Our body requires at least 6-8 hours of deep sleep every night, especially if we are following a strict exercise routine. Damaged tissues need rest time to rebuild and use the nutrition we eat.

Not using the right equipment to burn fat

Using the right therapeutic equipment is extremely crucial. You can use medical equipment like a tummy trimmer to lose weight effortlessly in the comfort of your home or office.

Making too many changes at once

Rome was not built in a day, what this statement means is that great things take time to build, the same goes for a healthy and fit body. Start slow, make gradual changes, and watch your body become a temple as you begin to worship it.

One of the best ways to reduce fat is to use a tummy trimmer and one company that deals in tummy trimmer products is Lifeshield Healthcare.

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