Land Patta Essentials for Land Buyers


When you buy land, it is imperative that you register it in your name. Registration is necessary to show that you legally own that land. One of the most important documents you will need when buying land and registering it is land patta. Read on to learn more about what this document is, why it is important, and how you can get your copy.

What is Land Patta?

A record of income, land patta certifies that the person in whose name the property is registered is the owner of the land. It is important for property transactions as it indicates the rightful ownership of the property. The only case in which you cannot have a patta is if your land has undivided shares.

Importance of Land Patta

ยท A patta land describes the most important detail of its land, its perimeter. Naturally, your patta will be kept as evidence to prove your ownership of a bare land unit.

If the government acquires your land under a particular land acquisition plan, you will be compensated for it, provided you have a patta showing that you are the legal owner of the land.

The patta will act as a safeguard in matters of property disputes, as it will protect the case of the property owner.

How can I get a Land Patta?

You can get your dirt patta from your local Tahsildar office. Apply by filling out an application form and submitting it along with the deed of sale and other documents related to the property. Be accurate with the information you provide on the form and documents, as there could be an inspection.

Once you receive your patta, you will never have to renew it, until you are selling or transferring your property. If your property is owned jointly by multiple people, you will receive a single patta containing a list of the names of the co-owners.

Land Transfer Patta

1. If you have inherited a parcel of land, you must transfer the parcel of land to your name.

2. If the owner of a patta dies intestate (that is, without a will), the patta will automatically be transferred to his heir (s) in accordance with the relevant laws of succession.

3. In the event that a beneficiary is named in the will, the estate will be transferred only with the consent of the direct heirs of the deceased. If the heirs decide to contest the will, investigations will be conducted to confirm that the benefactor was the one who made the will, was in a stable state of mind when doing so, and did not do so under any external duress. The patta is delivered to the beneficiary only if the result of the investigation is satisfactory.

4. In the event that the legal owner of the property is missing for seven years or more, he will be considered dead. The transfer of patta follows the same rules as in the case of intestate death of the owner.

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