Kissing in a dream is not always what you think


We humans show our affection and love for each other, and our passion through a kiss. A kiss can soothe, calm, and even magically heal – a child will feel so much better after kissing his boo. In many cultures, but especially in Western cultures, a kiss is often the most intimate physical expression, sometimes considered more intimate even than sexual intercourse. It is well known that prostitutes rarely kiss their clients on the mouth. This is because the kiss is recognized as a token of love and tenderness, and the services rendered by a working girl (or boy) are little more than a business transaction.

In Christian societies, a kiss can also be an act of betrayal, such as the betrayal of Christ by the kiss of Judas. A kiss can also mark the beginning of the end of something, an action that marks the disappearance of the person or the project as in “the kiss of death.” It also represents a goodbye, both temporary and permanent.

In fairy tales, kisses take on a much more complex archetypal meaning. Snow White and Sleeping Beauty revived with a kiss. A frog is magically transformed through the power of a kiss. In the world of fairy tales, the kiss is associated with rebirth; of the physical, psychological or spiritual.

In dreams, kisses can be of the tender, loving and healing type, of the passionate intimate type or of the complex archetypal type. They can be symbols of transformation, rebirth or revival or the end of a relationship or project: a “breath of new life” or “the kiss of death” delivered through the lips.

In dreams, a kiss is not just a kiss. It must be understood in context. Is the kiss a simple kiss on the cheek of a relative? This type of kiss could signify the actual need or approval of people in authority or parent figures. If you are shunning or avoiding the kiss, it may mean that you are feeling smothered by those in authority or it may feel like they are making you feel like a child. Are you kissing a child, an animal, an inanimate object? Perhaps this is a suggestion that some healing is necessary, or that you should welcome this new aspect, situation, or character into your life.

Kissing someone with whom you are involved can indicate a desire for closeness if missing, or it can be an expression of deep affection for that person, even on a subconscious level.

Dreams of kissing someone of the same sex, if you are heterosexual, can indicate a need for self-love or can indicate approval of yourself. And again, it can suggest deep affection, plain and simple.

If you are kissing someone who does not attract you, or if the kiss is unwanted or makes you feel uncomfortable, the dream can indicate feelings of betrayal, since the forced kiss is a violation; of intimacy, of choice, of limits and of your body. These are the kisses that indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or overwhelmed by someone or something in your life. See who is involved in the kiss to get a clue as to who or what the situation is. But this type of kiss can also be a clue to feeling victimized or intimidated / forced into actions or activities that you are against.

The long, hungry kiss you want can represent, in your dream, a longing for something. The longing can be for love and intimacy, but it can also express a longing for something that is lacking in other areas of your life. For example, if you dream of kissing an actor, this may be a play on words. It may mean that you yearn for the ability to take action in some area of ​​your life.

If an animal is given a kiss, this may suggest a longing to return or regain its true, uninhibited, non-drowning nature. These are just some of the possible meanings. As always, consider the context, words, and characters.

Other possible meanings:

Kissing someone you like and love can simply be the fulfillment of a wish.

Kissing a faceless person can show that your basic wishes are being fulfilled.

Kissing someone you know casually and not romantically can represent the recognition of harmonious vibrations.

Kissing a celebrity may suggest that you need it or that you are trying to improve your self-esteem.

Kisses with adulterous and passionate overtones can mean it’s time to spice up the romance.

Kissing is the beginning of passion for almost any age group. Whether it’s young lovers stealing a kiss at the front door or a mature married couple kissing tenderly on their 25th anniversary, a kiss is usually about love, passion, and tenderness.

A kiss from a lover, in happy circumstances, portends happiness and satisfaction.

A kiss from a stranger implies an unexpected gift.

A kiss can represent affection, joy, impending success, or the desire to be close to someone.

An unwanted kiss can signal upcoming proposals from someone you don’t particularly like or care about.

If you are kissing a close friend, then the suggestion may simply be a reminder of your respect and feelings for your friend. On the other hand, it may imply that you are looking for a certain intimate closeness that is lacking in some waking relationship. It may or may not mean a romantic interest to him or her.

To dream that you are kissing someone’s hand means respect.

Seeing others kissing in your dream suggests that you are too involved in their personal lives and relationships. You need to give them some space.

In general, kissing is a display of affection and suggests warmth, happiness, appreciation, passion, tenderness, and connection. However, you always have to consider negative connotations. A kiss can be a last kiss, a goodbye kiss, the kiss of death, a goodbye kiss, an unwanted advance or a means of contagion.

To determine what the kiss represents in a particular dream, take note of who is involved in the kiss, where the kiss takes place, how you (the dreamer) react to the kiss and the character, and what other elements are included in the dream. . . Also, take note of whether the dream is primarily positive or negative.

By answering these questions, you should be able to determine what your kissing dream is trying to tell you.

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