Is there a secret to a longer penis? Learn the facts about transforming your small penis size


The main answer to this secret is genes and how it lengthens at puberty. There may be many things on the market today that offer to give you a longer penis, but really, you should have it naturally with you.

The thing about penis length and size is that it depends on the ancestors and what type of penis size they have. Usually, if your ancestors naturally have large ones, then you will too.

Another thing is when your ancestors have to work a lot physically. Having to endure hard physical work will relatively increase the blood supply to all muscle groups. And the penis will not be excluded. Physical resistance increases the cavities through which blood can pass. So when the penis is around, it will be big.

These qualities will then translate into your genes and as you pass them on to later generations, even if you don’t exercise as much as your ancestors did, you will naturally have a large penis.

It’s another thing to do good physical endurance exercise when you’re young or going through puberty. As we all know, the puberty years are when everything in your body grows significantly. The main parts to grow are the bones, but the muscles also lengthen.

Having to have a good physical resistance exercise in these years can also contribute to the length and width of the penis.

If you really feel that your penis is small, then surgery may be an option. However, it can be very expensive, so you can try other cheaper methods that may be just as or more effective in enlarging your penis. Some of these methods include: penis pumps, penis extenders, or natural penis enlargement exercises.

Here are also some points to remember:

• The first thing is to recognize that men only have an average of six inches of penis. There may be other people who are enjoying a big penis, but size doesn’t really matter in bed, it’s your performance.

• The penis thickens with age. That’s how it is; You have to be patient for it to grow.

• Trim your pubic hair. This will show most of your penis making it appear longer.

• Maintain a fit body. Obese men have been found to have smaller penises, so they need to exercise regularly.

• Stop comparing yourself to other men. Remember that harbor stars are hired for their unusual penis size so you don’t have to feel insecure.

So is there a secret to getting a longer penis? There really are no secrets. You just need to be patient and armed with the correct penis enlargement protocols to increase your penis size over time.

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