Importance of reading management books


We all remember the days when we had to read school books to pass our exams. He personally hated reading and thought it was a waste of time. For me at that time, life was not very complicated: I went to school, I played video games, I played with my friends, I watched TV and tadaaa it was time to sleep again. As we get older, things unfortunately get more complicated. One could do the same things as an adult, instead of “going to school”, one is now “going to work”. The difference is that you certainly mirror your actions more now than when you were young. A habit, which is accompanied with aging. Every life has its ups and downs and almost everyone has had to deal one or more times with a broken heart, a dirty business trick or had a conflict with a loved one.

My mother is a frequent reader and she gave me a self help book when my heart broke once again. My life changed at that moment. That book gave me great ideas, which completely changed the way I see things. Since that day I started reading more and I continue to experience the benefits that she has given me.

Three years ago I started my own business. From that day on, with few exceptions, I just started reading management books. Soon reading management books became my greatest passion. I’ve read every required business read ever written. Did I learn from every book I read? No, I think Donald Trump is certainly a better businessman than he is an author. But I think each book gave me new ideas. If I only remember one sentence of 200 pages that I have read, but that sentence helped me improve my life or helped me while doing business. So reading that book was an added value for me.

For me, there is certainly a link between natural leadership and management books. By reading books on natural leadership, I created it myself. I am really convinced that it helped me to become the successful businessman that I am today.

If you ask me, what are the best leadership books or the best management books? I really can’t answer that. I think that’s always subjective. I suggest you start reading and find out for yourself. Find out which books are value-adding in your life, or value-adding while doing business.

You will ask yourself, but what is the book that your mother gave you and that changed your life? I’m not going to tell you! The reason for this is that you may be disappointed when I tell you because your life may not change after reading it.

The point is that you have to find your “personal” life changing book for yourself. The only way to do that is to start reading good management books. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today! Please let me know when you have found your life changing book, I am curious.

Good luck!

Tjalling Dijkstra

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