How to use Olympic fever to motivate your staff


The year of the London Olympics, 2012, is almost upon us and many companies are seriously thinking about increasing the level of Wellbeing initiatives they offer to employees. You may be planning new wellness initiatives at your workplace for the coming year. Take advantage of the ‘Olympic Fever’ to increase morale, commitment and, above all, performance.

If you don’t have Wellness ideas for 2012, here are some suggested solutions that successfully focus people’s minds and help them adopt positive wellness behaviors in the short, medium, and long term.

  • Set up your own company ‘Olympic Games’. This can be a single event as simple as a pedometer challenge or a series of team events such as 5-a-side football, netball, swimming or running. The prizes and recognitions to the winners are always a great incentive in every way.
  • Encourage staff to participate in charity events during 2012 and keep track of individual achievements and the total amount of money raised by your people for good causes. Making wellness a collaborative enterprise and a company value can really change the culture in your offices.
  • set up a forum where individuals and teams can commit to their biggest wellness challenge of the year. Whether it’s running a marathon, climbing a mountain, losing weight, lowering blood pressure, sleeping better, or improving work-life balance, creating an environment where people can share ideas, motivate each other, and experience a sense of common purpose will make a big difference in the results they achieve.

Once you have your key ideas in place, a brilliant way to galvanize staff to great success is provide them with regular motivation and accountability in the form of wellness workshops orr 1-2-1 training. Just the lightest touches to keep people on track month to month make a world of difference over the course of a year.

What makes a good year for you?

With the Olympics in London in 2012 and athletes looking forward to what could be the best year of their lives, it got us thinking about how we can help all of our clients perform at their full potential more often.

We did some digging among our customers to find out what the highlights were from 2011, 2010 and prior years, only to find that many of them could only remember a couple of major life achievements in the last 10 years.

So what about you? If you had to list your main successes in recent years, what would they be?

Your list most likely includes finding a new partner, getting married, getting promoted, having a child, completing a sporting event, or making a key contribution to society. But has he accomplished something remarkable each year? And do you remember how good these achievements made you feel?

Wouldn’t you like to experience these positive feelings of success and satisfaction more often?

We believe that each year should be marked by remarkable progress on the path of life.

And what about you? What will be your greatest achievements for the coming year? How do you want your organization to thrive in 2012?

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