How to stop breastfeeding without pain


For working moms, breastfeeding can be a dilemma — and a painful one. We all know that breastfeeding is good for our babies. Many working mothers try to breastfeed as long as possible before returning to work, often 3 to 6 months. But what then? Breast engorgement is the natural consequence of stopping breastfeeding. Milk-producing acorns don’t stop producing milk overnight just because you decide to stop nursing. It’s like filling a balloon with more and more water. You can imagine that would hurt.

The best way to painlessly stop breastfeeding is the natural way: a gradual taper. As a young child begins to eat other foods, he will naturally need less milk. Lengthening the interval between feedings will gradually decrease the milk supply in most women.

Of course, if you need to stop breastfeeding before your child is old enough to switch to regular foods, you’ll need to express milk from your breasts or supplement with infant formula. Pumping often works because pumping empties the breast less efficiently than breastfeeding. It is almost as if a child is still nursing, but less so. Your milk supply will decrease if you pump your breasts enough to relieve the discomfort of engorgement, but not enough to completely empty the breast.

If you don’t want to pump your breasts, another option is to allow some of the milk to escape by deliberately activating the let-down reflex. A hot shower is usually quite effective. Some milk comes out, but just enough to relieve pressure and discomfort.

There is little scientific evidence to advise the use of other treatments. The union of the sinuses can cause additional leakage and pain. Although some women use cabbage leaves in their bras to suppress lactation, medical studies have not confirmed any benefit from this practice. Ultrasound has been studied, but has not been found to be helpful.

Why does milk production stop anyway? Breast engorgement that is not relieved leads to an increase in the chemical FIL (feedback inhibitor of lactation) in the breast, which inhibits milk production. However, the congestion does not need to be painful for this to occur. Allowing enough milk to escape to relieve pressure still allows the FIL to build up and do its job.

One more word about sore breasts. Nursing mothers may experience inflammation or infection of the breast (mastitis). If your breast is tender, especially in a localized area, or if it turns red or appears to have a fever, you may be suffering from mastitis. Consult your doctor to determine if you need to take an antibiotic.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

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