How to feel good often, for no other reason than the feeling itself


Be inquisitive about your emotional life

How often do you feel good, for no other reason than to experience the feelings alone? How do you create these good feelings? Do you listen to music? working out? Spend time with the ones you love or something else? I realize that I am being particular with my questions because I want you to connect with those pleasant emotions. Some people feel guilty because others may be in pain or suffering. Therefore, they feel compelled to downplay their own emotions. But this is of no use to anyone, because feeling good about yourself can help encourage others who are experiencing pain or suffering.

For example, think about when you are in the company of an inspiring person. How does it feel to be in her presence? Are you attracted to his charisma, energy, or enthusiasm? I know that when I am around such people, I am drawn to their attractive personality. I’m not talking about a romantic attraction but about the intensity of the energy that the person emanates. Our vibration is one of the most powerful mechanisms we have, and learning to control it can be a significant measure of how we connect with others. Positive and enriching emotions come not only from other people but from ourselves. There is a feeling of ecstasy, as if time stands still when we experience states of flow.

We should experience more positive emotions without trying to manufacture them, especially if we are sad or depressed. We must connect with all our feelings and experience them without manipulating or anesthetizing them. Our emotions are our guidance system. They are like a sonar that helps us make sense of our world and create our life experience. The more we connect with the frequency of our emotions and how they flow through us, the richer our experience becomes. Are you happy with this understanding? Can you see that each emotion you experience is true for you? It requires feeling it honestly, rather than trying to change your ways. It’s about being true to ourselves, so that we can live a rich and abundant life.

When we often feel good, for no other reason than to experience the richness of feeling, we align with our core self. This does not mean that we will experience positive emotions all the time, as that would not be authentic. What I am suggesting is that we learn to play with our contrasting states, so that we can move out of negativity and towards greater emotional well-being. For example, have you ever woken up feeling emotionally bad? There may be no reason for your mood, but it stains the rest of your day and you can’t shake that feeling. We must become inquisitive about our emotional life and process our emotions as honestly as we can. We can then move up the emotional ladder toward freedom, rather than disempowerment.

Connect with what is happening inside your body

There are many practices and techniques to help facilitate this experience, which I encourage you to explore. If you are working with a trained therapist, they will help you find emotional stability, so you don’t experience high or low points. These high or low points occur when your blood sugar rises after eating sugary foods. We experience a spike in blood glucose levels and feel full of energy for a short period, then our blood sugar levels drop and we feel tired, lethargic and cranky. The key is to regulate our emotions, so that we are in control, instead of letting our emotions dictate our experience. Are you seeing that you can be in charge of your emotional well-being? Isn’t that something you can’t change? You have the power to regulate your emotions and control how you respond to external situations.

It’s worth reiterating that if you’re working with a therapist, they can help you regulate your emotional well-being. For most people, feeling good is often one of the most beautiful experiences we can have. Long ago, after a gradual awakening, I experienced moments of bliss and joy throughout the day. It felt amazing, beyond what words can describe. I wanted to hold on to these feelings and make them last, but sometimes they were fleeting, while other times they lasted for hours, sometimes days. For example, I would walk in the park and a sense of unity would come over me and radiate love energy throughout my body.

It felt strange because he didn’t know how to process these feelings. He didn’t know how long they would last. Other times I felt guilty, especially while others were experiencing pain and trauma. So, I suppressed my emotions, believing that it would ease his suffering. But it didn’t help them, or me. Therefore, I learned to regulate my emotions, so that when I experience enriching feelings, others benefit from them. As mentioned above, when we are in the company of positive people, we cannot help but be drawn to their radiant energy. We can learn to model ourselves on these people and create these emotional states within ourselves. With this in mind, I would like you to be more aware when you experience positive emotions and to write down your experience in a journal. Try to connect with what is happening inside your body. Learn to discern the subtleties of the human body, when you feel good. As you do so, you can fill your life container with more uplifting emotions instead of reliving negative emotions from the past.

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