How procrastination kills your success


Many people realize that procrastination is the number one killer reason for their success. However, very few people do anything about procrastination. They procrastinate to even do something about this realization of theirs. And understandably, because that’s how paralyzing the force of procrastination could really be.

Developing a proper understanding of something is the only way to overcome the situation.

This article highlights some of the obvious thoughts on procrastination. The other side of the coin is that, although obvious, these thoughts are the least accepted. If they were better accepted, more people would break the procrastination habit and achieve the success of their dreams.

First: Procrastination means delay:

This may seem quite simple. But I wonder if people really understand the meaning of the word procrastination? Means DELAY…and that too in big, bold letters. You see, none of us have a contract to live forever. We are all aware of this eternal truth. Some may feel that this is a depressing thought, but I think it is not. This is because when you are fully aware of something, you become alert about it. How many times do we see people wasting time? Can we be called aware of the simple truth that with every passing moment our allotted quota is being exceeded? What are you waiting for? Do you think someone would procrastinate if they really knew what it means DELAY?

So maybe people need to understand that procrastinating is not a fancy word. it simply means DELAY.

Second: Procrastination is universal:

Procrastination is a fairly universal phenomenon. In my opinion, there is no person alive who is not guilty of it at one time or another. How do I know this? Well, I can be called something of an authority on the subject because I’ve experienced it a number of times. As absurd as it sounds, this article sat unfinished on my desk for several days for the same reason: procrastination.

Therefore, it is not my intention to lecture on this subject. The motive behind this article is to draw attention to the truly killer aspects of this universally present trait.

Third: Procrastination causes a delay in achieving your success:

What procrastination does is delay the achievement of your goals and ultimately your success. I wonder if any sane person would want to delay the achievement of his goals and dreams? Well, isn’t this exactly what we’re all doing? Would you like to have your dreams now? Or would you like to have them two, three, six, eight months… or years later?

Remember, everyone has to go through their fair share of temporary failure before achieving the desired success. Nobody knows exactly what will happen in the future. So doesn’t it make more sense to start as soon as possible?

Fourth: procrastination brings you closer to unfulfilled dreams and an unfulfilled life:

Do you know that most people who go to their graves go there with the music still in them? This is because they almost never do what they want to do with their lives. If you don’t believe it, try talking to a few people over the age of seventy-five or eighty. Most of the time their talk is about how they missed opportunities… how they could have done better… how things could have been different and stuff like that. Why did this happened? This happens for only one reason: procrastination. They delayed doing what they wanted to do.

You know, what never ceases to amaze me is that even at a late stage, all they’re doing is delaying regret, instead of doing anything about it. Remember, it is not too late, until the moment one is living.

Fifth: Procrastination creates pressure:

Procrastination creates immense pressure that leads to loss of energy, loss of health, and a mental sense of unworthiness. Even if this is not very well understood, most people have experienced the stuck feeling of torpor when they have a bunch of stuff lying around begging for their attention. When you somehow muster enough initiative to do a few of these tasks, you release energy and, like a miracle, all the physical exhaustion melts into thin air.

So getting up and going is a pretty decent suggestion.

Let’s not worry if our decision is right or wrong. Just get going. If it finally goes wrong, you always have the option to change it. You will also learn something by making a bad choice. Procrastinating making a decision will lead to nothing.

Get up and go is therefore great action advice, even if it just means taking a few baby steps forward.

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