Homelander: There can only be one of each Homelands-Er card


WELL. WELL. WELL. Stay with me here. I started my AnteCube a while ago, and at some point I got the idea that I wanted to make a Cube with just cards from the Homelands expansion. It was old enough to be awesome because I love old Magic cards, and cheap enough to be able to buy some product. The first plan was to buy a Booster Box and draft with it. I guess I was hoping to get a full game. However, I found that buying a full game was much cheaper than buying a Booster Box. So, I just bought a full set online. There are 115 different cards in the set, some with multiple art (so technically there are 140, but I’m still using one of each card).

Next, I wanted this to be easy to play between rounds in tournaments like we played AnteCube, so I didn’t want it to be an actual cube where packs are selected, and therefore decided it would be set up like a prismatic. the platform is assembled. Prismatic is where you have a stack of 250 cards with lands and stuff shuffled. It’s a really fun format if you’ve never played it. In those 250 decks of cards there are 100 lands. How many lands are in my deck then? Time for a little math…

100/250= (x)/(x+115)

Where x= number of basic lands in the deck. the ratio is land over total cards.

This works out to about 76 basic lands, although x=76.66666666666 in the problem, there are non-basic lands in the set, so I’m going to round down.

That means we have a deck of 191 cards. Candy.

I know a lot of people have an outfit that is their favorite. Therefore, I recommend trying this with your favorite outfit. Put together a full set and then battle him over and over and over again. We’ve really had a great time so far. And I just wanted to share it with everyone else.

In the future, I might expand to other sets. I’m already working on my full Kamigawa Cube block, and may have to explore the possibility of making another competition-set-lander type deck again. However, I don’t think any other sounds as amazing as Homelander.

I feel weird for not putting the “deck list”. But it’s just the full Homelands game, and I think it would be almost insulting to tell you that the sky is blue and the grass is green. If you know what I mean.

I don’t know. Just make sure you have fun. If not, then you’re not playing Magic well, in my opinion.

Thank you,

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