Herbs for Endometriosis: The Latest in New Endometriosis Treatments


Endometriosis symptoms can be treated with endometriosis herbs. Symptoms of endometriosis can be very painful and include intestinal gas, severe stomach cramps, heavy menstrual bleeding, and, in some cases, insomnia.

Also, endometrial tissue can cause inflammation of the intestine and infertility as well. One of the factors associated with endometriosis includes the high levels of estrogen found in women between the ages of 25 and 40, making them the most affected.

Anything that can irritate your uterus can make endometriosis worse. This includes a pelvic infection, fibroids, constipation, insertion of a tampon or IUD, and cancer. Some foods also make it worse, such as fried foods, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks. Herbs can be used to treat many cases of endometriosis.

To balance the level of hormones in your body, you will need vitex berries and Castleberry herbs. Another much-needed herb is wild yam, which helps reduce bleeding, muscle cramps, pain, and inflammation.

Adding ginger to endometriosis herbs will help stop menstrual cramps and pains. Red horsetail also reduces heavy menstrual bleeding, which is great for curbing anemia. At the same time, red horsetail is believed to keep scar tissue flexible, further reducing scars.

Milk thistle seeds also help cleanse the liver. Detoxifying the liver also allows it to break down excess estrogen. Other herbs that are great for liver detoxification include rosemary leaves, dandelion leaves and roots, and vervia grass.

Herbs for endometriosis should also include uterine tonics that are used to strengthen the reproductive system in its functions, as well as the tissues of the organs. These include blue and black cahosh, false unicorn root, castle blackberry, raspberry, life root, square vine, and motherwort.

Emmenagogues, which are great for stimulating and promoting normal periods, are also a must on your list of herbs to help cure your endometriosis. They include parsley, blue cahosh, grapevine, pennyroyal, southern wood, rue, false unicorn root, yarrow, motherwort, and life root.

It is excellent to include nerve and anti-inflammatories in your herbs to treat endometriosis. Pain tends to prevent healing and therefore must be treated. One of the best is the chamomile flower. Muscle relaxant herbs such as cramp bark, valerian root, and hop flower should also be included. Ginger root and pasque herb are also excellent herbs for endometriosis.

Regular fasts should also be alternated with rebuilding diets that should contain algae, seaweed, sprouts, and other foods that are easy to digest. This will speed up recovery. Castor oil packets placed in the areas that have the most pain will also help relieve pain.

Using herbs to treat endometriosis requires patience, as it can take many months to get the relief you are looking for. It is important that you work with a healthcare specialist who is experienced in natural holistic cures.

You will also likely need to have a comprehensive health program that includes diet changes, massage, and even acupuncture if necessary. This will help you speed up your recovery from endometriosis as quickly as possible.

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