Herbal Teas: A Gentle Way to Support Your Health


Herbal teas are a great alternative to the usual cup of black tea. However, they are more than just a nice hot drink on a cold night. Herbal teas can have a wonderful positive effect on your immunity and help prevent disease. Herbs have been used in various ways for centuries to help people improve their health. Why not try a few on this list to see how they can help you?

Rosehip will help you boost your immunity as it is full of vitamin C.

Ginger is well known for relieving nausea and calming the stomach, but it’s also good for colds and flu.

Chamomile will help you sleep better as it calms your nervous system. It is also good for digestion.

Green tea has become a substitute for regular black tea for many people. Green tea will help boost your immunity as it is an antioxidant. If the flavor isn’t to your liking, add a bit of lemon to give it a bit of punch.

Fennel is a great tea to help you curb that sweet tooth. It tastes like licorice, so it can satisfy your cravings for sweet foods and help suppress your appetite.

Lemongrass tones the skin and is also good for digestion and fever.

Peppermint is a great stomach tea for digestion and to help with bad breath, congestion, and fluid buildup. Peppermint is a stimulant, so it’s a great tea to have in the morning instead of that cup of coffee.

Spearmint is a good substitute for mint if you find it too strong. Or you can add spearmint with peppermint and chamomile if you want to make a great mix.

Brahmi tea will help your memory become much clearer

Dandelion is for fluid buildup and swelling as it helps cleanse the liver. If you feel restless when you drink it, consult a naturopath, as your liver function may need attention.

Raspberry leaf tea is for mothers-to-be who suffer from morning sickness and can also make labor easier when the baby is about to be born.

So, as you can see, there are many teas to choose from, each with their own individual way of helping you stay healthy. Maybe tomorrow instead of that cup of caffeinated coffee or black tea, which can be bad for you, try a cup of herbal tea and help cleanse your body at the same time.

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