Gut bacteria can affect your mental health


Gut bacteria are the ‘good bacteria’ in your stomach that help regulate your gut, aid in your digestion, and keep your microbes at healthy levels. If your gut bacteria are not working properly, you can suffer from constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, acid reflux, and many more gastric conditions. If your intestine is not working properly for a long period, it can lead to serious illnesses like irritable bowel syndrome or even diverticulitis etc. Gut bacteria are necessary, as they are the bacteria that keep your entire digestive system stable. They are the bacteria that antibiotics kill, so if you get very sick and need to take a lot of antibiotics, your gut bacteria will be deficient. This will result in diarrhea. When you take antibiotics, almost all intestinal bacteria are destroyed. However, gut bacteria are often not considered to be the likely cause of any mental health problems.

However, more recent research shows that a species of bacteria called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, can affect a person’s mental health if this substance is lacking. If you don’t have GABA, you may be diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and fatigue, but it is often overlooked that you could also be suffering from an inability to handle stress, which can lead to anxiety, depression, and even autism.

GABA is a neurotransmitter that sends chemical messages to the brain and nervous system. It also participates in the regulation of communication between our brain cells. Research has shown that GABA can control anxiety, fear, and affect our behavior, so when it’s low we don’t feel as calm or relaxed or sleep too well. Northeastern University has discovered a specific bacteria in the gut (called Bacteroides fragilisKLE1758) that actually consumes GABA. More study is needed in this area before the information misleads the public, but this new information is perhaps a good idea to explain the link between our gut and mental health problems.

The good news is that GABA can be increased naturally with foods high in magnesium and vitamin B. It is a good idea to take a natural multivitamin daily, as none of us eat perfectly every day and a supplement will ensure that do not become deficient. in vitamins and minerals. Green tea and chamomile are also good for increasing the levels of these bacteria. These vitamins and foods have been shown in some tests to increase gut bacteria and, in turn, also increase a person’s mental health capabilities. There are also many other natural ways to improve mental health, manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Consult your natural therapist to find out what to do if you have any of these conditions.

Therefore, GABA has the potential to be a good supplement if you are feeling a bit unwell or have been suffering from anxiety, depression, or even PMS. Remember that your mood can often be affected by your hormone levels and whether your thyroid is working properly. However, GABA can boost your mood by affecting your emotions and putting a positive bias in your outlook. More studies are expected to reveal the extent to which GABA can help stabilize mood.

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