Excellent developmental toy


Parents are always looking for the perfect toy, product or device to entertain their children and help them develop properly. A lot of money is spent on toys and all kinds of activity centers, and yet the search never ends. Some products are simple and effective and deserve praise, while others only claim to be developmental, but really should never have hit the market. A simple and very effective product that promotes proper child development is a ball. Yes, plain old-fashioned balls of different sizes, materials, colors, or textures can give a child more benefits than you could ever imagine.

Playing a ball is generally taken for granted. However, bilateral skills (on both sides of the body), strength, balance, hand-eye coordination, timing, sequencing, motor movement planning, attention, and even endurance are needed to perform simple-looking ball activities. Some children find it natural to play with a ball, while others need to spend more time learning skills; however, everyone can benefit from the daily ball game. As with all milestones, ball skills must be developed in a certain sequence. By the time a child turns 6, they should be able to do these things with a ball (about the age of starting a skill):

  • Roll sitting (11-12 months)
  • Fling (13 months)
  • Kick (15-16 months)
  • Throwing overhead (19-20 months)
  • Throwing under the head (23-24 months)
  • Capture (25-26 months)
  • Reach the goal (39-40 months)
  • Dribble (5-6 years)

How do you help your child reach these milestones on time? Get yourself a medium-sized ball and start playing with the child as soon as he has been able to sit independently for some time. You can both sit on the floor facing each other and roll the ball back and forth. Your child will be delighted to see the ball come and go. He / she will reach forward and to the sides to get it, helping to strengthen core muscles, develop coordination, vision, and protective reactions.

As the child grows and has been able to stand and walk independently for some time, teach him to throw a small ball. At this point, you can throw the ball in any direction. It could be fun to just jump in and see what happens. As the skill learns more, the child should be able to throw the ball over and under the head and hit a target. You can make up any game that requires a target, for example, toss it into a laundry hamper or target attached to the wall.

Kicking, catching, and dribbling are more advanced skills. During a ball kick, the stationary leg muscles need to be strong and well balanced to hold the body upright, while the kicking leg needs to be eye-coordinated and also strong. You can imitate soccer to practice kicking, or you can kick the ball into some cones or empty plastic bottles scattered a few feet from each other. Basketball helps develop catching and dribbling skills. Besides basketball, you can use the same cones or extended plastic bottles and dribble to get through those obstacles.

No matter how the ball is played, it will be beneficial to children. Different sized balls can entertain your child for hours and help him develop better. If you notice that your child is not reaching some milestones, appears to be clumsy, or if you have any doubts, seek professional advice. Pediatric physical therapists will help.

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