Endless Pools – Things to watch out for!


If you’ve done your homework and settled on this brand, then you’ve probably read several Endless Pools reviews and seen all the glowing things people have to say about them. I will gladly add my voice to that chorus. They are fantastic!

Once you’ve made your decision to buy, it goes without saying that you’ve recovered from the (potential) shock of the label. Unless you get a basic model, the price can quickly skyrocket into the stratosphere, but if you’re determined, then the price won’t hold you back.

However, all the glowing reviews aside, there are issues to be aware of when shopping for an endless spa. Mainly, they are the following:

1) Get a good installer! Your entire experience with Endless Swimming Pools will likely be defined by how good your installer is, so absolutely do not hire someone who has never installed Endless Swimming Pools before. All it will do is make it more likely that something will go wrong and lead to more expense and frustration in the future.

2) Double check the work! Even if you get an experienced installer, double check everything yourself once the pool is up and running. Specifically, check the seals everywhere to make sure you don’t have slow leaks. Nothing will ruin your pool faster!

3) Absolutely do not neglect regular maintenance. Indoor pools are…well, finicky. They are high maintenance. Yes, they are a lot of fun and useful, both from a health and fitness perspective, and from the perspective of the value they add to your home, but make no mistake, there are regular maintenance costs associated with them and unless you If you want to ruin your pool and start over, you need to create a strict maintenance schedule and stick to it religiously!

If you do all three of the things listed above, you’re guaranteed a good indoor pool experience. On the other hand, if you’re trying to get your Uncle Eddie to install it (who’s a great guy, but something of a shade tree mechanic), don’t bother checking the job when it’s done, and skimp or just ignore regular maintenance. , you will end up wasted several thousand dollars and a lot of frustration. Don’t be that person!

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