Eliminate excess fat under the chin with Vaser Lipo treatment


As we age, our face can undergo many changes; Wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and unwanted fat that settles under the chin, gives us a double chin or indefinite jaw line. The excess fat under the chin is very old, it can make our face look much older than it really is and it can make us feel very self-conscious.

A double chin does not always mean that we are overweight, and those with a slim body can have one like anyone else. Sometimes it can happen due to lack of muscle tone, but in most cases the reason is weight gain.

There are several reasons why we form a double chin:

  • Aging – As we age, we begin to lose muscle tone and elasticity in the skin, which causes the chin to loosen.
  • Bad eating clothes – High-calorie foods, processed foods, and unhealthy fats can influence weight gain that can settle under the chin.
  • Lack of exercise – We can develop a double chin by not doing any exercise.
  • Position – the neck muscles are weakened due to poor posture. Looking down at your phone or computer for prolonged periods can cause a double chin to develop over time, as unused muscles can loosen and cause the surrounding skin to lose its elasticity.
  • Genetics – we can inherit double chin potential.

When we want to lose weight, we cannot reduce only the chin. We will need to lose weight everywhere to try to lose the double chin, but there is always the possibility that it will stick around. When we are not as active as we could be, we tend to gain weight slowly and this weight can settle under the chin, and any excess weight on the face can change the contour, altering the profile.

There are safe procedures to remove fat under the chin that can remove several grams of fat and dramatically change the face. Vaser Lipo is a minimally invasive treatment that can remove fat, refine the jawline, and improve the lateral profile. Vaser liposuction has great advantages over traditional facial liposuction, as the ultrasound energy is only directed to the fat layer, which means that other structures, such as blood vessels, are not damaged by the ultrasound energy, which results in much less bruising and swelling.

A double chin can distract attention from even the most attractive face. A well contoured chin can define the shape of your face and give you a great profile.

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