Do you know what to do when you don’t know what to do?


If you are an Internet Marketer who is currently in this situation as stated in the title, then you need to take action and find a Board Certified Psychologist and immediately schedule an appointment. The easiest and cheapest way out is to continue reading this article.

When I used to go out with the Flintstones (Fred and the Boys) No! Just kidding, I’m not that old, but my point is; When I first evolved with Multi Level Marketing Opportunities, Amway was king and was probably recognized or credited with giving birth and growth to this industry and educating the masses to understand the words “Compensation Plan” as the full name of home. In a way, it was easier to build an MLM business in the Amway Era because the competitions were only a handful at best. These days there is an epidemic of Business Opportunities on the horizon and there is no sign of abating in the near or distant future, offline or online.

The trauma continues. Are you experiencing any of the questions listed below?

  1. Involved in too many MLM opportunities.
  2. Working a full time job or two.
  3. Married with children.
  4. Eating bad foods and being acidic (this topic will be continued at a later date and time).
  5. Procrastinate, do tomorrow what I have to do today.
  6. Bad time management, lots of TV, radio and more.
  7. Add yours here.
  8. I feel overwhelmed and trapped and can’t move on.

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you fall into the category of: Do you know what to DO…when you don’t know what to DO?

I don’t know if there are any Specialty Gourmet Chefs or Specialty Gourmet Connoisseurs reading this article, but between you and I I can honestly say that I have never eaten an Elephant. But if you find yourself serving yourself an Elephant, then you and everyone else knows that you eat an Elephant one bite at a time.

The answer to the questions is this; I have a friend who has a full-time JOB and is happily married. She and her husband have 3 beautiful children who produce 3 sets of laundry every day, most require ironing, starch is optional. After work he picks up the kids from school then drives 2 of them 10 miles to soccer and karate practice and drives the third kid another 6 miles to music lesson and finally when all is said and done They all go home for dinner.

She’s so tired at the end of the day that she puts off ironing (don’t blame her) until the next day. Then on and on until the children literally had nothing clean to go to school and since she was responsible for ironing the children’s clothes, the pressure to iron increased so much that she had a nuclear meltdown. Her husband, seeing the disaster, quickly came to his wife’s rescue. He told her not to look at the whole pile of unironed clothes but to take the first piece, iron it, and then take the next piece and do the same until all the clothes were ironed. The kids thought her mom was about to go crazy over her dad’s counseling and watch the 11:00 news that night only to hear the newscaster say; “This just came in…the best news! The housewife kills her husband for the children’s clothes.” Surprisingly, it didn’t happen that day and she did exactly what he suggested and it worked. She finished all the ironing from start to finish and before he had to go to bed. After that, she hugged and kissed her husband and thanked him for freeing her from her. The next day she spoke about the experience. She said, “I feel energized and have a freedom that words really can’t express.”

Do you know what to DO… when you don’t know what to DO?

My friend sure does.

PS: Why didn’t your husband give you more physical help instead of verbal help, like doing some ironing? The answer to that question is this; She has a JOB as a construction manager and that requires her to drive 3 hours each way and 3 hours back. He must be in bed by 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and leave the house by 4:30 a.m. for work, which is much earlier than his wife leaves for work. worked.

That should help some inquiring minds who want to know.

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