Differences Between Commercial Painting Contractors And Residential Painting Contractors


Differences Between Commercial Painting

A residential painter is a professional tradesman employed for the interior painting and decoration of residential buildings, which is also called a residential painter or decorator. The main aim of residential painting is just to enhance the overall look of a building, to make it appear pleasant and to safeguard it from possible damage by water, mildew, mold and insects. There are different kinds of paints, tools and equipment used for the job. Here’s a look at the equipment of residential painters:

A wet paint kit is an essential tool in the repertoire of most residential painting services. It consists of two tanks, a tank holding the paint and a second tank holding the cleaning medium. The cleaning medium is the product used to clean the paint and loosen up the dust that is usually present on the interior surface of the building. The medium can either be water or a solvent such as acetone.

house painters Sydney

Painting contractors may use either hydrometers or hydrometer machines. The former measure the amount of paint applied per square inch, while the latter measures the time it takes to dry a particular piece. This is a big advantage for residential painters working alone, as they won’t have to stop and rest while on a long journey. A hydrometer machine is used to determine the volume of paint to be applied at a certain temperature. They are powered by a gasoline engine. A common commercial model of this equipment has up to six stations with temperature gauges, ranging from cold to hot.

Contractors And Residential Painting Contractors

Aside from residential painters and commercial painting contractors, commercial spaces require ventilation as well as heat. This is why ventilation systems are installed by commercial spaces owners and painters. These systems make sure that the area is properly ventilated so that harmful substances such as fumes, moisture and bacteria don’t circulate inside. It also ensures the safety of those who occupy the place.

As mentioned previously, commercial painters need to complete different types of tasks compared to residential painters. The main reason why commercial projects require different types of equipment is because commercial spaces aren’t limited to simple maintenance tasks. Different industries require painting projects that involve fumes and chemicals. Thus, residential painting contractors and commercial painting contractors should work in tandem to ensure the safety of businesses like car dealerships, restaurants and hospitals.

Commercial painters and commercial painting contractors shouldn’t be confused with residential painters. When it comes to residential painting, the work is mainly done by the homeowner themselves, hence the term, residential. However, commercial painters are required to complete a variety of tasks that residential painters usually don’t have to do. For example, commercial painters are also needed to do exterior painting. They also paint interiors, repair windows and glass, take care of the structure and electricity. Thus, commercial painters aren’t the same as residential painters.

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