Continence problems for children with cerebral palsy


Bowel and bladder control is an important part of any child’s learning and development, and a child with cerebral palsy is no different. Children with CP, in particular, often have difficulty with bowel and bladder control, as these functions require well-developed muscle tone and coordination. Overcoming these issues can be a monumental occasion for children with cerebral palsy.

Developmentally disabled children are potty-trained by age five, while most children can achieve continence before age three, according to a 2006 study. The study went on to discuss how this is unlikely to occur. continence after a child with developmental disorders reaches 8 years of age. Fortunately, there are a variety of products to help children with incontinence, including collection devices. In fact, some studies suggest that medication combined with a collection device may be effective for older children with continence problems.

Different types of incontinence

Incontinence can be divided into many different categories. stress incontinence refers to incontinence caused by physical activity or by involuntary actions such as coughing or sneezing. urge incontinence describes spontaneous urination that follows the urge to urinate. Fecal/bowel incontinenceAs its name indicates, it is produced by the involuntary or uncontrolled release of feces. overflow incontinence It is the inability to completely empty the bladder. Additionally, some adults and children are affected by multiple forms of incontinence. This is known as mixed incontinence.

bladder incontinence, also called neurogenic bladder, refers to a condition that causes uncontrollable urination. Control of urine is a function of both the bladder and the sphincter muscles. The sphincter surrounds the bladder and contracts to prevent urine from leaking out. In turn, the muscles in the bladder wall must be able to relax to allow the bladder to expand. For some children with cerebral palsy, these muscle groups become weak, which can lead to bladder incontinence.

Some children may also suffer from constipation, especially children with cerebral palsy. If stool blocks the rectal canal, the muscular walls that surround the anus and sphincter can be damaged or weakened. When it comes to constipation, it’s best to take your child to a specialist, such as a proctologist or gastroenterologist, who can perform a complete medical evaluation of your child’s digestive and intestinal systems. Physical therapy programs or special devices can further help your child with his bowel movements, if needed.

How to test for incontinence

A visit to your child’s doctor should help address any concerns you may have about incontinence. Preferably, you should see a doctor who specializes in bladder-related issues, known as urologists. They can give your child a full evaluation based on their daily diet, activities, and any stressors they may encounter. Urologists may also perform urinalysis, EMG, uroflowmetry, or cystometry to determine if your child has incontinence problems.

Incontinence Treatment Options

There are a variety of treatment options and therapies for children with CP who are incontinent. The most basic form of treatment is to maintain a proper posture when going to the bathroom. Special devices, such as potties, can be helpful in getting your child used to the correct way of sitting on the toilet. In other cases, muscle retraining therapists may teach a child comfortable hip abduction and foot/buttock support. If the child is relaxed while sitting, activating the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles should be avoided. Other treatments include medications, surgical implants, exercises, and biofeedback.

Another option is urotherapy, which is a bladder rehabilitation program. Therapy generally involves muscle re-education, regularly scheduled hydration, pelvic floor muscle exercise, and other techniques except medication and surgery. It’s a good idea to sit down with your child and the therapist who will be working with them to discuss issues such as fluid intake, hygiene issues (such as dirty laundry), bowel dysfunction, and anger management before outlining and beginning the therapy program. .

A third option is drug therapy. There are a variety of medications available that are designed to target the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. However, all of these medications are known to have side effects, and some may not be approved for use in children. The International Child Continence Society recommends the use of 69 medications only after other treatment options have failed to show positive results.

Finally, you can choose to have your child have surgery to correct their incontinence. There are many different surgical options available, including a procedure known as neuromodulation, which has shown specific potential to help children with cerebral palsy combat incontinence.

Techniques for sphincter control

In southern California, the Diagnostic Center has been testing a recent training technique, which they call “habit training.” The process involves training your child’s mind to void based on a visual cue, cue, or sound effect. To learn more about this technique, you can read a six-page booklet The Center has put together on its website.

Other methods include having your child wear a wristwatch programmed to go off at particular times during the day, which can help with bowel control. A study published in 2010 indicated that scheduled trips to the bathroom during the day can significantly help a child with cerebral palsy with incontinence.

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