Common ghostly experiences


There are many forms of disturbing experiences and of course the paranormal. Certainly some of these experiences are more intense than others, and some are more common than most.

residual haunting

These types of apparitions are a very common site to see or even hear about. Residues are usually keepsakes or features of the deceased that are believed to be imprinted in the environment.

You might see a jogger running in the park, for example, or see someone cooking in the kitchen, or some other type of activity that someone has done at some point.

The residual ghost is not only seen, but can also be heard. For examples of the sounds of sword fighting on famous battlefields, the dying screams of tortured souls in Dracula’s Castle, and even in Japan’s Aokigahara Forest, many have claimed on numerous occasions to have heard voices in the trees telling the living that they commit suicide

clever spell

This type of ghost is a full apparition of a living presence, and unlike the residual ghost, this spirit is highly aware and can even interact with the living.

This goes beyond memories and characteristics, these spirits have also carried out their personalities. An intelligent ghost can be very unnerving and it is sometime claimed that these spirits can be aggressive.

It is generally believed that these spirits will appear to a living person to convey a message to them or to find someone they were looking for in their previous life.

The movie ‘Sixth Sense’ is a perfect example of this form of ghosting, where the child could see dead people but they did not know that they were deceased and needed guidance to accept this fact in order to cross over.


Poltergeists are generally not visible to the naked eye, these spirits like to wreak havoc by moving or throwing objects and making a lot of noise.

The theory with Poltergeist is that these spirits were either mischievous in their previous lives or are generally young into their teens, but there is much debate as to whether or not a poltergeist is a ghost.

The argument is that when a poltergeist is reported, it has often happened to a person with a very high emotional charge and this power can create a strong telekinetic force. In short, it is said that the bewitched person is actually the one that makes everything move telepathically.


Demons are seen as something a bit different than ghosts, while they are spirits and certainly fall into the paranormal category…not believed to be the spirit of a previous living person.

Due to the variable nature of the demonic haunting, it is very difficult to tell if the haunting is from a ghost or a demon. The purpose of the demons in the Earth realm is to bring down the spirit of a human so that the possession of the body can take place.

A demon is one of the great deceivers just like the devil and often poses as a long lost relative or an innocent looking little boy, but it doesn’t start to be long until the demon shows signs of evil.

The smell of sulfur is often an indicator of a demon, as well as ghost behavior. Compared to the previous life, a demon can become irrational and angry, and even cause physical harm to the person it “befriends” with, such as a handprint or a burn.

Some other haunted places include something known as white noise. This is where you can see or hear spirits through the static on the TV or radio and unexplained shadow figures.

As ghostly experiences vary, it is difficult to determine whether or not you are experiencing a true haunting.

Common traits of a real ghost are things like hearing doors or cupboards slamming, usually heard but not seen by the living, when certain items disappear and reappear frequently, pets behaving strangely for no apparent reason, perfumes or strange smells in the air, hot and cold spots throughout the house, and the disconcerting sensation of being watched. Not to mention the smell of sulfur if a demon spirit is present.

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