Chiron, Prometheus and the Law of Attraction


Chiron and Prometheus

Someone asked me if I could relate the Law of Attraction to stories from mythology. So, I took a look at one of my favorite stories: the mythology of Chiron and Prometheus.

My interest stemmed from a 2 year psychological astrology course that I completed many years ago; is where I discovered my passion to learn more about human behavior and how conditioning impacts everything we do. One of the minor planetoids discovered at the end of the last century was called “Chiron”. In astrological circles it was known as the wounded healer, and where it appears in the birth chart is the area where we can do things for others, but not for ourselves: a blind spot, if you will. I never fully understood this connotation, until I was asked how the law of attraction could be applied to such a story. I will explain it later in this article.

Much of astrology, and the psychology of human behavior that accompanies it, has ties to mythological stories. So I started reading them as part of my background knowledge to help me understand.

Who was Prometheus?, you may ask. Long ago, when humanity projected their dreams, fears and desires onto the “gods”, Zeus was the king of the gods, having overthrown the tyrant Cronus (Saturn), who, in turn, had overthrown the previous tyrant, Uranus. . Mythology says that Prometheus loved humanity more than Zeus and wanted to reward them by showing them the gift of fire. Zeus absolutely forbade it, but Prometheus did it anyway.

Zeus, angered by this, ordered the immortal Prometheus to be chained to a rock and have his liver ripped out and eaten, every day, by a giant griffin. Being immortal, his liver regenerated every day. There was only one way to free Prometheus from this torment: he would be released if someone volunteered to take his place on the rock. Of course, there were no takers.

Many times the other gods, anguished at seeing their compatriot tortured every day, urged Prometheus to repent, apologize, and ask Zeus for forgiveness. To which he replied: “It is easy for those outside the prison wall of pain to urge the one who suffers.” He was too attached to his pride or his pain to let it go and ask for forgiveness.

Let’s go to Chiron, for a moment. Some say that Zeus met his mother in the form of a horse and the offspring was the first centaur, Chiron. Her mother, seeing that her son was half human and half horse, begged the gods to take away “this monstrosity.” This was Chiron’s first “hurt”: his mother abandoned him at birth. Apollo raised Chiron, teaching him all the gifts of martial arts and healing, and in turn, Chiron became the foster father of the children of other gods and heroes. It was Chiron who taught Heracles how to use the bow and gave him the gift of curing Jason of Argonaut fame.

Being of pious descent, he was half divine and half animal. He was half immortal and half mortal. By now, Heracles had fought the deadly hydra and took the poison from it to cover all the arrows from it. One day, while he was hunting, a stray arrow accidentally hit Chiron in his thigh. The wound was on his mortal body: he was immortal and could not die, but he could not heal this immensely painful wound either.

Chiron’s pain was unbearable. He got so bad that he decided he only had one choice. He volunteered to give up immortality for him and take Prometheus’s place on the rock. The Gryphon came and took his life, and so died Chiron, the wounded healer.

Moved by such nobility, Zeus ordered Chiron to be placed in the heavens as the constellation Sagittarius, so that all who looked up would see the archer and remember him. Thus Chiron regained his immortality.

Here are two big links to the law of attraction. Have you seen them yet?

I’ll go over the first one. The law of attraction says that like attracts like. We can have everything we want, but it must be desired by a subconscious free of limitations. If we have doubts, no matter how much we consciously want something, the subconscious, and therefore the universe, does not believe us. If we don’t believe in what we want, what chance do we have of getting it? So you get more than you “want” – you get the disappointment you expected.

What are these subconscious limitations? They are conditioned belief systems in us, from childhood. They are the result of past experiences. In effect, all we believe is what we have experienced in the past. We become everything we have thought of. How do we get rid of those limitations? We dispel belief patterns, undo conditioning.

If you remember, I said that in astrology, Chiron is thought to be the blind spot in the birth chart. Chiron believed that he could not heal the wound in his thigh. He had been conditioned to believe this. However, if you look around you, you will see healing miracles all over the world! Chiron had a belief system that he didn’t recognize. If he had, he could have asked the universe to heal itself. In fact, the law of attraction worked for Chiron. He received the pain exactly according to his belief.

Let’s go to Prometheus. “It is easy for those outside the prison wall of pain to urge the one who suffers.” Perhaps Prometheus believed that he would be released. What if he believed that the universe would find a way to set him free? He didn’t need to know the “how” or “who” in this case. All he had to do was “believe.” So, of course, with such a strong belief, despite the pain, he remained steadfast in this belief.

The universe waited until the correct manifestation could appear. Chiron clung to the belief that he could not be cured and therefore was in excruciating pain 24 hours a day. So it’s not difficult to put the two together… Prometheus had a belief, Chiron had a belief: the Universe told both of them “your wish is my command”! The law of attraction brought them together.

Yes, this is just mythology, but it shows how the law of attraction works. If mythology is the outward projection of human behavior, hopes, dreams, desires, and fears, then it stands to reason that the same law of attraction works for these mythological stories.

Prometheus believed that he would be released: Chiron became the manifestation of this belief. Chiron believed that he could not heal his wound; His greatest desire was to be free from pain and therefore Prometheus became the manifestation for this release to happen.

The lesson here is to question your own belief systems, if you are not getting what your heart desires. See what are your beliefs that prevent you from “knowing” that wealth, health and happiness can be yours without measure. Work on these belief systems and replace them with ones that are in harmony with the Law of Attraction and your dreams will manifest faster than you can imagine. If you are not sure how to do this, get a life coach to help you analyze your beliefs. Investing in a life coach or counselor will be the smartest investment you will ever make! They will free you from your own limitations so that the low ceiling does not get in the way when you try to touch the sky.

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