Astrology and the slaughter of the children of China


If you have been following the news, you may have noticed a very disturbing development in China. There have been a series of attacks on schools and nurseries, in which many children have been killed or injured. The perpetrator has always been a lonely man, with a real or imagined grievance, who has decided to take out his wrath on the most precious and vulnerable members of society.

As far as I know, the first attack occurred in the town of Nanping, on March 23, 2010, at 7:20 a.m. The perpetrator was a doctor and he killed eight children. He was executed the following month. Since then there have been a number of copycat attacks.

From an astrological perspective, I wanted to understand what was going on. My first impulse was to blame Mars in Leo. It could be argued that this sign has a special association with children. It is the fifth sign of the Zodiac, and in astrology the Fifth House is the House of Children. Mars, on the other hand, is the planet of aggression, so it could be said that as Mars moves through Leo, children are vulnerable to attack.

Mars is usually a fast-moving planet, but in late 2009 and early 2010 it stays in this sign for a long time: it entered Leo in October 2009 and leaves early next month. So the influence of Mars in Leo is prolonged and very intense.

However, these attacks on children are not a universal phenomenon. They appear to be restricted to China. So we need to look at why China is being singled out.

So I set up the horoscope for the People’s Republic of China, who was born on October 1, 1949, apparently at 3:15 pm In this horoscope the ruler of the Fifth House of Children is Mercury. Mercury is in the Eighth House of Death, receding into a Sun conjunction. In other words, Mercury is in a pretty terrible position. This could reflect China’s policy of allowing families to have only one child, and the fact that this can lead to abortion and infanticide of supposedly ‘undesirable’ female offspring.

Also, in the Chinese birth chart, the planet Uranus is in the Fifth House, in the sign of Cancer. This Uranus is about unusual politics, related to children and family.

So I can’t help but notice that in 2010 Pluto, the planet of dark haunting, is making a 180 degree aspect to China’s Uranus. Perhaps this was one of the triggers for the murders?

When we look at the horoscope for the first kill, on March 23, we see that the Moon was in the Third House of education, making a 90-degree aspect to Uranus. So the painting was about schools and sudden attacks on their students that come out of nowhere. The Fifth House ruler in this chart was the Sun in Aries, which formed a close 180 degree aspect to Saturn. He was also making a 90 degree aspect to Pluto.

This Sun-Saturn-Pluto configuration was certainly very heavy and could have manifested itself in many ways. However, the deranged doctor, by attacking when he did, focused astrological energy on the children.

As for how long these attacks will continue, it is to be hoped that the last attack, on May 12, in which seven children were killed, was the last. And maybe once Mars leaves Leo on June 7, one of the astrological causes of the attacks will disappear. Unfortunately, that sounds a bit too simple.

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