Aesthetic Dentistry and its Different Types


Traditional dentistry is more concerned with proper oral hygiene and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases, while cosmetic dentistry concentrates more on improving appearance. It usually resolves issues like crooked or chipped teeth, discoloration, or missing teeth.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments:

rooster claim

This treatment is done to change the vertical dimension of people whose teeth have been subject to years of wear and tear due to excessive grinding and acid reflux. After treatment, patients have a closed and shorter appearance to their smile and face.

dental bonding

Bonding helps improve the appearance of teeth if they are chipped, broken, cracked, stained, or have excess space between them. The procedure involves the application of enamel-like composite resins to the tooth surface, molded into shape, hardened with ultraviolet or laser light, and then polished. The result blends naturally with the surrounding dental structure and the rest of the teeth, improving the person’s smile.

This cosmetic dental procedure is the easiest of all and can be performed with a single office visit. Dental bonding can also be used to fill small cavities or protect the exposed root of the tooth. Bonding is also used by modern dentists as a replacement or alternative to silver or amalgam fillings.

dental braces

Today, both children and adults benefit from dental braces. Braces not only correct crooked or misshapen teeth, but can also help improve irregular bite, jaw joint disorders, or correct jaw position.

Braces work by applying constant pressure to the teeth to gradually reposition them until they are aligned. The dentist or orthodontist uses metal, ceramic, or porcelain brackets and bonds them to your teeth. Archwires are threaded through the brackets to correctly guide the teeth into position. Orthodontic braces are typically worn for about 1 to 3 years, after which retainers replace the braces to hold the teeth in their new position.

dental bridges

Bridges are also sometimes called fixed partial dentures and are used to replace missing teeth or close a gap between teeth. The material used for artificial teeth is usually made of gold, porcelain, alloys, or a combination of these materials. The procedure takes 2 visits to an hour each appointment. Bridges can last anywhere from 3 to 15 years if proper oral hygiene is strictly followed.

dental crowns

Also known as caps, crowns are placed over a damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns or copings can be made of ceramic, metal, resin, or porcelain-fused-to-metal materials and are used cosmetically to improve broken or heavily stained teeth. An expensive procedure, crowns are recommended only by dentists when other procedures will not produce effective results. Wreaths can last from 5 to 15 years.


Dentures are removable artificial teeth that replace missing teeth and the surrounding tooth tissue. There are two types of dentures, complete and partial. Partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain, while full dentures are applied when all the teeth in the top or bottom row are gone.

Contouring and modeling of enamel

Also known as odontoplasty, enamelplasty, peeling, sculpting, recontouring, or contouring, this cosmetic dental procedure is applicable if you have healthy, normal teeth. It involves removing or contouring tooth enamel to change the length, position, or shape of the teeth to improve appearance. It is used to correct minor imperfections of the teeth and the results can be seen immediately. This procedure is usually combined with bonding, teeth whitening, or veneers.


Also known as indirect fillings, they are often made of porcelain or composite materials that are used to fill cavities or other structural damage to the teeth. Unlike dental fillings that are molded into place immediately during your office visit, inlays and inlays must first be created in a dental laboratory before your dentist can fit and bond them into place.

When filling material adheres to the center of a tooth, it is called an “inlay”; when the filling is made in one or more points of the tooth or includes the biting surface, it is called “onlay”. This cosmetic dentistry procedure can be an alternative to crowns and can keep teeth healthy for a long time.

gum grafts

Sensitivity to hot and cold can be caused by gum recession and tooth root exposure. This condition makes teeth appear long and can subject the root of the tooth to decay or even bone loss. Gum grafts are a treatment consisting of soft tissue grafts that can transfer healthy gum tissue to another part of the mouth to prevent or stop gum recession and bone loss, as well as improve the cosmetic appearance of the gum line. of the gums


Implants are a long-term solution to replace missing teeth and are among the most expensive cosmetic dentistry treatments. They are titanium artificial tooth root replacements that are inserted into the bone sockets of missing teeth. They are a good alternative to bridges and removable prostheses.

They are surgically implanted into the jawbone by an oral or maxillofacial surgeon. If bone loss has occurred due to periodontal disease, the surgeon may first need to graft bone to secure the implant.

There are three parts to a dental implant: titanium metal that is fused to the jaw bone, an abutment that is placed over the portion of the implant that protrudes from the gums, and a crown to provide a natural appearance to the implanted tooth. teeth.

dental veneers

Veneers are wafer-thin, tooth-colored pieces of porcelain or resin that are bonded to the surface of your teeth. This treatment is performed to change the color or shape of the teeth, or to repair and correct broken, chipped, cracked teeth or spaces between the teeth. Veneers are also used to treat the same problems that the bonding procedure addresses and can be a less expensive alternative to crowns. This cosmetic dentistry procedure takes about 2 separate appointments. Veneers can last 15 to 20 years if proper care is followed.

Crooked teeth repair

People who are possible candidates for teeth straightening are those with crooked, crowded, or slanted teeth that can trap bits of food that can lead to cavities and gum disease. Unlike orthodontic dentistry, which uses braces to fix the problem, cosmetic teeth straightening involves giving the patient local anesthesia, and then the dentist uses a surgical device (electrosurgical unit) that uses heat to remove fragments. of the gum This will help shape the gum and conform to the shape of the new veneers. The teeth are then drilled to make them ready to receive the veneers, and the veneers are attached to the front of the tooth. The surgery usually takes an hour and usually lasts between 2 and 5 years.

Teeth whitening

Also called bleaching, teeth whitening has become a popular chemical procedure that many people undergo to remove stains or simply to whiten their teeth. This cosmetic dentistry treatment is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to improve your smile and appearance.

Over time, discoloration of tooth enamel occurs due to smoking, the use of certain medications, aging, or constant consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee. Although several teeth whitening options are available today, including over-the-counter products and at-home kits, dental-supervised treatment is still highly recommended for the safest and most effective whitening of stained teeth. However, teeth whitening treatment is not for everyone. It is only suitable for people with healthy unrestored teeth and gums.

What procedure is best for you?

The condition of your teeth and the expected result you desire will determine which cosmetic dentistry procedure is right for you. Your dentist can answer any questions for you, such as what to expect during the course of treatment, what the changes will look like, and what, if any, maintenance is required.

Cosmetic Dentistry Cost

Cosmetic dentistry costs differ depending on the type of procedure the patient needs. Cosmetic dentistry is generally not covered by dental insurance, but there are some dental plans that may cover part of the cost of other procedures, such as crowns. Knowing the cost of a cosmetic dentistry treatment that you want to have is very important to know beforehand.


Cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more popular these days to improve the appearance and smiles of many people. With the advent of new technology, dentists have at their disposal a wide range of tools and techniques to help their patients achieve their desired results.

However, before undergoing any cosmetic dentistry treatment, a person should first be aware of the risks and benefits, as well as what to expect during and after the procedure. It is also important to know the credibility of your dentist to perform the cosmetic dentistry treatment, how much the procedure will cost, and if any special maintenance is required after the treatment.

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