Acting like a day spa


You’re having a shitty day. Or a week of shit. Maybe even a fucking month. You’re going through a breakup or someone you love is in the hospital or your creepy roommate keeps leaving his socks on the kitchen table. Whatever it is, it’s eating up your whole life, including your trade. So when you’re in class or auditioning, that terrible day, week, or month is taking over your imagination and your ability to be present. So all they see… is your heavy personal load.

Life throws curveballs. In fact, he throws curveballs most of the time. It can get in the way. So how can you be your best when life is shitting on your head?

Have you ever given yourself a spa day when life is hard? If not in an actual spa, have you given yourself time? Maybe you went to the movies, played a basketball game, or went on a hike? Something you love to do that makes you feel better and allows you to take a break from whatever difficult situation you are facing?

Your acting class or audition may be the same. It’s what you like to do that makes you feel good and takes your mind off the curves. Whatever that personal challenge is, it’s not going to go away while you’re paying attention to something else. You’ll still have to deal with it when you get back, so why not enjoy your free time?

Dive deep into that class, audition, or rehearsal. Allow yourself to fully focus on the character’s life and relationships. That’s your mini vacation, and taking that break is really good for you. Just like going to the movies or getting a massage, you’ll be refreshed and ready to deal with those big socks when you get back.

But there is one thing that you absolutely must do for half an hour before and during the entire audition, class or rehearsal: turn off your phone. I’ve heard the same story from numerous students: They were “in the zone” preparing for a scene in class, and then just before walking in, they looked at a text or email. Would you do that if you were getting a massage or in the sauna? Hell no! Don’t worry; the text or email will still be there when you’re done. It won’t evaporate, I promise. (Unless there’s a new app called iEvaporate. Ugh.)

Allow your craft to be your spa day, especially when shit is getting wild. I give you permission to have fun. You are allowed to ignore everyone else for a couple of hours while doing something you love and get stronger. That “spa time” will relax him, put a smile on his face, and further prepare him to turn those curveballs into home runs.

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