7 tips to stop working from damaging your marriage


In today’s market, long working hours and high levels of stress seem to be the norm rather than the exception. It used to be entrepreneurs and executives running around putting out fires and answering emails 24/7, now most of my expat friends and clients are doing the same. There is no denying that demanding work schedules make it even more difficult to have a close and happy relationship, for various reasons, especially when you had work trips or children in the mix.
As I hit my seven-year mark as an entrepreneur, I know from my own past mistakes that unless you manage your life well, you can lose good relationships or limit your chances of finding love. So, from my heart, here are 7 relationship tips:

Relationship Advice Tip 1. Be open and honest about your level of commitment to the job:
This is essential, saying you’ll be home early and then not following through can destroy trust. Update your partner when you know that you will be late, traveling or offline, which you will notice as much as possible. By keeping them in the loop, you’re more likely to face a forgiving partner, rather than resent the times you’re stuck in the office or fighting fires.

Relationship Advice Tip 2. Set Boundaries:
Before setting limits and working hours for myself, I would work 24 hours. This isn’t healthy for me and it also doesn’t leave time for your love life to grow and develop. I also recommend agreeing on limits for working from home. Many of us frown at the couple who goes to a restaurant, doesn’t speak, and spends the entire night on their phones. However, in my marriage counseling, many couples confess that they do this every night at home and that it leads to marital problems like resentment, breakdown of communication. Nothing is less romantic and lonely than being invisible to your spouse.

Relationship Advice Tip 3. Have a life outside of work:
Remember that your work is not the center of the universe. Of course, you will be excited and passionate at times, or possibly stressed and fed up at others. However, not everyone wants to hear about it all the time, especially your lover. It’s important for both of you to take a break from the topic at home, as you risk bringing work stress into the relationship. Why not join a group of other professionals if you want to discuss your business at your leisure? Keep other interests as well. Keep up with current affairs and have at least one hobby or ideally something you can do together, to keep the conversation and relationship going.

Relationship Advice Tip 4. Control Your Calendar:
Like many other entrepreneurs, I follow my calendar quite religiously. One of my first concerns was that I wouldn’t have enough people or work to fill my schedule, which is far from the case these days, life is hectic. I recommend sharing your calendar or work plans with your partner ahead of time. As well as booking date nights, lazy nights, family events. Otherwise, your time will be reserved and the relationship will not have time to flourish. Neglect is often the most common reason given for affairs and divorce, so you should avoid it at all costs.

Relationship Advice Tip 5. Take breaks, but be honest about how long you can walk away:
Taking a break, having a vacation, and focusing solely on your partner is important. However, don’t set unrealistic expectations. For example, some good friends asked me to go on a 2-week mountain trekking trip. I would love to go but a vacation but no internet for a week won’t do me any good as I need to be there for my clients. Be honest about what works and what doesn’t work for you, otherwise you may disappoint your partner and put a strain on the relationship. Shorter, more frequent trips tend to work better for me.

Relationship Advice Tip 6. Make your partner your top priority:
This incredibly important. While you may feel like your primary focus should be finances, career, and business, if you’re with the right partner, they will support you and your vision. If you turn it upside down, you can lose what you hold most dear. You can always make more money, but you can never make up the time.

Relationship Advice Tip 7. Keep your sense of humor:
Lastly, have a sense of humor about life, your work, and the events you experience in your effort to be the best. Humor will keep you and your relationship happy, even when the going gets tough. Watch comedy, exercise, or take some time off to relax. I’m not sure if you noticed, last month, I sent an email that said “Hello First Name”. Yes, it seemed unprofessional, but it happened, so there was no point in worrying about it. We all laughed a lot about it anyway.

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