5 differential characteristics of Spanish cuisine


There is no doubt that the world really does have a lot to offer when it comes to culinary goodness. Whether it’s in your hometown or in a totally different country, there will always be a plethora of truly delicious foods that will have you begging for more. One of the most sought after cuisines these days is Spanish food. It’s often labeled the “village kitchen,” mainly because it possesses practical goodness and is also generally very easy to prepare. What makes it even more popular with many people is the fact that its ingredients can be sourced regionally or locally.

One may notice that each region of Spain has its own unique brand of signature dishes. This is due to the fact that it was difficult to travel from one region to another until the end of the 20th century. The area is full of mountains running in different directions, making it challenging to cross to another area. This caused people to invent their own recipes for foods that we now know as Spanish cuisine. Even up to now, many of the recipes are still cooked in the same way as they were several hundred years ago, while there are some that have noticeable influences from other cultures, such as the American one. Despite all this, there is no doubt that the food in Spain will always be tasty and delicious. Below are some of the unique characteristics that best describe Spanish cuisine:

Many of the dishes in Spain use olive oil. This is due to the common knowledge in the region that olive oil can offer many health benefits, even more so than vegetable or corn oil.

· For the most part, Spanish dishes are known for their Mediterranean roots. What this means is that there is a good chance that you will get dishes that are full of seafood as ingredients. A good example of this is paella.

· Most people often confuse Spanish cuisine with Mexican cuisine. However, both could be further away from each other. An example of this is the fact that you will expect to be served bread with your plates. If you ask for omelettes, they will treat you to an omelette instead.

· In general, Spanish cuisine consists mainly of tapas. The food that is prepared is usually for large groups of people, unlike other countries that serve only one person.

· Unlike other countries, Spanish food offers many variations, especially from one region to another. The northern regions of Spain often incorporate meat and chicken into their dishes, while the southern ones are all about shellfish and other types of seafood.

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