3G EV-DO or How the Internet Got Its Wings!


The Internet, as most people know it, is history.

It seems that yesterday the Internet was just one

great mass of wires and cables; a glorified file exchange

warehouse with more than a few lines sticking out.

A huge LAN party that got out of control and caused a scandal

and spilling across the block and around the world; creating also

many millionaires for no good reason and causing too much insomnia

nights surfing the neon pink.

The Internet quietly crept into every facet of our lives …

no theme or theme was left unexplored in this binary medium.

Suddenly there it was, the authority on everything. Our lives

encyclopedia-ed to death from bites and bites.

But the Internet has always been perceived as a connected medium;

linked by cables, servers and networks. So far that is

because now everything has changed. And it is time for the Internet

Been tied to the ground for too long, it’s time to

release. Independence Day. Go ahead!

The internet is going wireless, this time for real.

There were some false starts; You can Bluetooth yourself foolishly,

but it won’t get much farther than 30 feet or so. The BlackBerry

it’s cool but a bit limiting. And Wi-Fi services have been around

for a long time, but those weren’t really convenient, if need be

find something; It’s not convenient. Finding a ‘hot spot’ is the

equivalent in the space age to finding a “needle in a haystack”; you accept

too much time.

What changes things, what has finally given the Internet its


Verizon Wireless 3G EV-DO (Evolution Data Optimized) and Others

companies offering similar services around the world. This new

Technology will change the way we view and use the World Wide Web.

Verizon Wireless began commercial operations in October 2003 and

is now expanding to more than 125 million US consumers by the end


With download speeds of 400 to 700 kbps and bursts of up to 2 Mbps,

3G has really given us wireless internet this time around. Has or will

turn the Internet into a truly wireless system that lacks

cables or lines and they really make it omnipotent. It will be everywhere.

No space within our biosphere will be without the Internet very soon.

For now, Verizon Wireless or 3G are mainly in the US.

this will change rapidly as other 3G companies and systems are launched

to meet the demand. Wi-Fi can play a role too, but will it work?

path of the ‘Beta’?

However, this wireless universe could not be possible without another key.

element. The only element that also helped to give wings to the Internet.

The answer may or may not surprise you. What really gave the internet

its groove? Can you guess? Give up?

Finally, we come to the last element of this new released version.

Internet: the little laptop. Don’t underestimate the

power of this great little revolutionary device, is doing to

The Internet what the cell phone did for the phone industry: do

it’s wireless, portable, and accessible from anywhere.

One could even argue that it was the little laptop

which gave the internet its freedom. Finally cutting the wire and

freeing the web, once and for all.

Once we had a laptop that we could tuck under our

assemble and take anywhere; naturally we wanted to take the internet

along with that. After all, a computer without internet is like

have Mickey Mouse without Disneyland – a real disappointment – any kid

I can tell you that!

Once the laptop or notebook gained popularity, the demand

because a wireless Internet grew along with it. Portability

being a strong selling point for both the laptop and the


Also, in order to make the most of each one of them; by

business operations, for personal communications, for email, for

surfing the web … a wireless portable internet was the obvious thing to do

next step. They complement each other perfectly and one is not

completely whole without the other.

Technology has created this unholy trinity (Internet, wireless technology

connections and laptop) to meet our need for a laptop

communication system that we can take and access anywhere. Up to now,

Internet was limited, tied to cables and wires … never really

took off from the ground!

But be careful; the cables are cut, the training wheels are off, the

the bells are starting to ring really fast and this boy has found his rhythm.

Every time a notebook is opened, the internet gets its wings!

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