34 Power Claims To Network With The Rich


Here are 34 affirmations that I have created after studying the book “Networking with the Affluent” by Dr. Thomas Stanley. Although the book is geared toward marketers, I think it’s to everyone’s advantage to network, especially to network with successful people. If enough successful people are favorably impressed with you and choose to help you, you can accomplish almost anything, certainly with regard to meeting your own needs and helping other people.

As with most tasks in life, networking success starts with the right mindset. The right attitude. When people fail at networking, it’s usually the result of two things:

They approach contact with an unconsciously selfish attitude. They want time with the prospect to showcase their products or services so they can make a sale. While they may claim (and convince themselves) that they really are working in the prospect’s best interest, their interest only goes as far as how their product can help fill a prospect’s need. What they’re really saying is “I’m happy to help you, but only if the end result is that you buy my product.” This is usually an unconscious thought process.

This is one of the reasons that affirmations can be very effective in eliminating this problem. Affirmations can condition your mind to always be sensitive to what the other person needs. If you’re really effective at helping others meet their needs (even when they have nothing to do directly with your product or service), then the odds are much higher that they’ll eventually not only buy your product or service, but recommend someone else. others who do too. needs your services.

Here’s a hint: The biggest need and concern of most business owners is to increase their income. Find ways to improve your income and maybe they will help you improve yours.

Not networking strategically. Failed networkers, they are a “master of the ones”. They have one or two contacts in many affinity groups. There is no concentration of power. Most of the time, they don’t even know which affinity groups their contacts belong to. Successful networkers connect in clusters. They target the leaders of the networks. They use mass communication tools to reach large blocks of potential contacts, especially by publishing articles and giving speeches/seminars. Of course, these articles and speeches cover topics that are considered important to the target audience. These tools allow them to help multiple members of their network in a short period of time and establish themselves as experts in their specific field.

Here are several affirmations that I have written for myself as a result of studying Thomas Stanley’s book.

1) My electrical network multiplies every day.

2) I help people in my network achieve their goals and objectives.

3) I now serve my network with respect, professionalism, and intelligence.

4) I connect with new contacts and allies wherever I go.

5) I regularly participate in fundraising activities for noble and charitable causes.

6) I am a networking facilitator. I attract people to my network for their mutual benefit.

7) I create powerful and positive connections with good people wherever I go.

8) I create new business opportunities by first connecting with people at the point of their needs.

9) I establish expertise and credibility by studying and understanding issues important to my target network.

10) As I connect with my network, I ask questions and listen carefully to indications of their needs.

11) Now I find creative ways to help my network members multiply their income.

12) I take the initiative to be an advocate for issues important to my network. I am an activist.

13) I regularly read the business publications of people in my network.

14) I multiply my network by regularly publishing articles in your trade publications, articles that are of interest to you.

15) By reviewing trade publications and attending trade association meetings, I keep up with issues and challenges important to my network members.

16) I help members of my network meet their needs regardless of any immediate personal benefit to me.

17) I am now a strategic networker.

18) I now relate to the top business and political leaders in my community.

19) I regularly network with thought leaders in specific affinity groups.

20) I multiply my network in clusters.

21) I regularly participate and contribute to strategic organizations and partnerships.

22) Opinion leaders contact me regularly for my help and advice.

23) Opinion leaders look for me to add me to their network of contacts.

24) I interact regularly with advisors to wealthy and influential leaders.

25) I am a master of bunches instead of a master of those.

26) I am a recognized industry leader and expert in my profession.

27) I demonstrate my experience by regularly publishing articles of interest to my strategic network.

28) I have a clear understanding of the anatomy of wealth and power in my community.

29) I write articles for my network and publish them regularly.

30) I am now well known to opinion leaders in my network.

31) I regularly connect with community and government leaders at the local, state, and national levels.

32) I speak to networking groups, not just individuals.

33) I regularly recognize the achievements of people in my network.

34) I made a lifelong commitment to help members of my network solve their specific problems. I am patient in developing my network.

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