13 tips to release anxiety


Many people I know are dealing with anxiety right now. I hear it from my clients. From friends and family. And me too!

Anxiety is something I know a lot about. He used to be my constant companion.

But gradually, with the help of numerous mind-body techniques, I was able to let go, almost completely. everybody stress. What a miraculous relief!

Lately, though, the anxiety has been creeping up on me again. It could be the ever-changing political climate. It could be the numerous interruptions and changes that I had to deal with during the last year. It could be many things.

The problem is that I have NO time for anxiety! What are you doing?

Anxiety gets in the way of my work, my dreams, my creativity, my natural optimism, my happiness…my life!

Fortunately, I now have a host of tools to eliminate anxiety, almost immediately. So unlike years ago when anxiety was my constant companion, now I can easily release, relax and let it go. It feels so good!

Here are some of my favorite anxiety busters:

Deep breathing – Deep breathing, from the abdomen, stimulates the vagus nerve. When you stimulate the vagus nerve, you stimulate the relaxation response.

Meditation – Meditation allows you to immerse yourself in deeper brain frequencies and relaxation. It is an effective way to observe your discomfort from a place of detachment. Connecting with your higher self, while observing anxiety, helps to decrease it. Meditate silently or try a guided meditation. If you are new to meditation, start with 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the time.

self massage – Self-massage is a quick and powerful way to release pent up anxiety and tension. Give yourself a quick foot massage, neck and shoulder massage, hip massage, lower back massage, arm and hand massage. Massage where you can reach, where you feel tense. It’s amazing how powerful a few moments of self-massage can be!

tulsi-tea – MMM. Tulsi tea is one of my favorites! In fact, as I write this, I am having a cup. Tulsi tea helps calm nervousness and balances cortisol, the main stress hormone.

eat green-Green vegetables and green juices contain alkalizing minerals that help calm the nervous system. Find your favorite and easiest way to eat vegetables and eat lots of them. Greens are absolutely essential, especially in times of stress.

heart breathing – Heart breathing will help you out of an anxious mind, into the peace of your heart. To use Heart Breathing, first take 3-4 deep breaths, drawing your breath down into your abdomen. Next, bring your breath to your heart and imagine that you are inhaling and exhaling from your heart. Deep and slowly. Breathe this way for 1 to 5 minutes (or longer!) Notice how it makes you feel.

EFT tapping – Ahh, EFT Tapping. Again, one of my favorites. (No bias here!) EFT Tapping helps balance and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. It is a very effective tool to release anxiety and panic. The fastest way to use it is to use the fingertips of one hand to touch the karate chop point of the other hand. The karate chop point is the fleshy part of the hand between the little finger and the wrist. Breathe deeply and slowly as you tap.

statements – I’ve been using affirmations for a while now, and I LOVE them! I have created a series of affirmations for a variety of my goals and desires. So when I feel anxious or worried, I switch to a positive affirmation to counteract my worry. Then I repeat the affirmation over and over again. The more I practice this technique, the more immediate the results.

Yoga – Yoga is a fabulous practice to release tension, anxiety and fear that accumulate in the body. If yoga is right for you, find the right yoga practice for you. If you can’t find a class near you, try an online program.

gratitude list – Sometimes when we feel anxious, it’s because we feel like we’re missing something we need. Cultivate a daily practice of gratitude that helps you recognize all that is good in your life. This sense of gratitude will help you get out of anxiety.

creative visualization – Similar to an affirmation, a positive visualization will help you feel more optimistic. If you are new to visualization, start with simple visions, within the realm of possibility.

First, decide what you would like to see. What would improve your situation? Next, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and remember your vision. Allow the vision to appear in the way that is best for you. Do not force it. By allowing yourself to enter a new possibility of feeling better, you will help yourself feel better and show your subconscious mind what to create for you.

Brain wave training: Brainwave entrainment uses pulsating sounds, lights, or electromagnetic fields to stimulate the brain to drop into deeper, more peaceful brainwave frequencies. This is a very effective technique, and numerous products are available online and as MP3 downloads. Because these products are powerful, it’s important to buy them from a reputable source and do your own research on the effects of brainwave entrainment.

let go of the caffeine – Last, and certainly not least, forget about caffeine! Limit or omit it. Caffeine stimulates the adrenal glands and thus stress hormones. If you need an energy rush, try a green drink, or a glass of water with lemon.

Life is too precious to waste it on anxiety!

in courage,


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